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Everything posted by BrainFried

  1. BrainFried

    10 Days Post-Op

    Here's what it looks like after 10 days. I went back to work 2 days ago(8 days post op) and the only questions i got were if i got a little sunburned. SO no one noticed. Kind of nice.
  2. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  3. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  4. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  5. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  6. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  7. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  8. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  9. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  10. BrainFried

    From the album: 10 Days Post-Op

  11. Hey, I have been extremely gentle. When I wash I feel like even letting the water run over my hand and then on my scalp might b 2 much pressure...neurotic or what? So far I haven't seen any bleeding since the first night. The way I find these scabs and grafts are when I rinse the graftcyte shampoo off in the same neurotic way I wet the hair for the Shampoo I do it over the sink to see if anything falls out. I guess to see if I'm shedding a lot or losing any grafts. So the ones that look like grafts r prob ones that just never took well at first you think? Also...with the placement holes so small how come there would be a lot of bleeding if a graft fell out or got ripped out? Btw I did pulled a couple out in a brainless act of putting a shirt on to fast...I think that was on the third day.
  12. I had my HT about 6 days ago. I know I've lost a few follicles but nothing to be horrible concerned about. like 10 to 15 at max. I hope that's all. But I was wondering what am I looking at in these pictures? Are these rejected follicles or just shedderers with crust? Thanks for any and all help! Brainfried
  13. I finally linked my Website to the signature. Just updated post op day 2 and 3 with a new video as well. All seems to be going well. Itching hasn't been that bad. Today the swelling came out of nowhere and went to my eyes. But through the day it went down. I have lost a few follicles. So far it's only been like 3 or 4..That part doesn't concern me too much yet. I just hope it doesn't keep happening. So far all is good. I hope it stays that way! Just a quick update! Best to all
  14. I just had my transplant yesterday on Monday 11-22-10. Here's my experience with Dr. Arocha in Houston. The entire process for me was a great experience. I feel like the it's more freaky going into it than the actual process. The crew was amazing. Craig, Maria and Dr. Arocha. Craig picked me up from my hotel at 7:15AM I got my meds when i was there and after a few mins my injections were administered in the donor area. Must admit i hardly felt a thing. As for removing the donor hair apparently i had tough skin but it was painless. iT was more just strange hearing your skin being cut but painless procedure. I got to watch Craig and Maria cut up the grafts until Dr. Arocha started placing where the follicles would go. After a while i was served lunch and we went back into the room for more placement of where the follicles would go and then the placement started. The moment the Novocaine (er lidocane) started to wear off i was given more making the entire process mostly painless. A few pricks i felt but nothing bad at all. It was quite a lengthy process. took till about 7 at night. but that's to be expected with 3k FUT's right? Now the first night wasn't so much fun . My stomach apparently didn't like the combo of pizza and meds so i had a rough first night. But today has been completely painless other than the tightness in the back of the head which is i'm assuming expected. I went back in today for my post-op check up and got my hair washed all has been grea.t so far with minimal swelling. So that's been my experience. I'm adding some pics to my website. if you have any questions Hit up ! Good luck to all Brainfried
  15. BrainFried

    Transplant Day Pictures

    These are pictures that I took during the Surgery. There should be come to come when Dr. Arocha and his staff are able to process the ones they took and post them as well.
  16. Hey, My Dr. is Benard Arocha, I'm not too worried yet.. more so of just about what it'll look like in the interim. How long after the surgery will it take for it not to be noticeable that I did something. How soon after can i get a hair cut. ) Thanks for the tips...btw what is witch hazel?
  17. I'm schedule for my HT monday morning! Wish me luck! Any words of wisdom are welcome! Thanks!
  18. Just uploaded quite a few pictures and a video to show my thinning and loss of hair so far. It's painful to see this happen at the age of 30 but I guess it's all part of life. At least we can help to stop it right? I've got 4 days till my surgery. I'm stoked yet a little edgy...You guys have any routines to take your mind of the slow time getting to the surgery? Best
  19. I have to second the comments made so far about Dr. Arocha. I have visited a few Dr's in my path down the HT rd. Dr. Arocha made me feel the most comfortable and relaxed. I can't speak for my results yet. I am having the HT soon.
  20. Hey Guys, Have any of you or do you know anyone who has used Dr. Bernard Arocha in Houston? I'm looking for a few personal experiences with him and opinions on results? Thanks
  21. yup it sure it. a little frighting but i'm ready. Post to come soon
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