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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. PFA my pic at 13 days post-op. The valleys I'm talking about are certainly not crusts with hair underneath but lines of scalp where the transplanted hair seems to have fallen off. I started noticing this only after 12 odd days. I was super-cautious during the first 10 days and started rubbing the scalp only after 10 days. That is why I seem to have developed crusts later than usual. Are the 'valleys' that I'm seeing just the normal way transplanted hair falls off or is there something to worry about? Another thread where I've seen this is: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/150739-crusts-input-please.html
  2. I am now 12 days post-op and am starting to see a few valleys in my recipient area. I have seen many results on the forum and know that this is completely normal. (In fact, someone got it even a week after surgery) But what I wanted to know is what are valleys? What causes them? Are they crusts which need to be removed? Or are they areas where the transplanted hair has fallen out faster? Why the peculiar line shaped formations? Also does hair grow back in those regions?
  3. Hi I have the exact same lump since my surgery. (I am now 10 days post HT). While my doc has said it is nothing to worry about, it is still very uncomfortable for me to sleep on my back as I can feel the lump on the back of my head and it hurts if i put pressure. What is the current status of your swelling/lump?
  4. Bumping this thread as I am experiencing the same thing. I am now 5 days post-op and have a swelling in the donor area right above the suture line. I showed it to a local doc today (as I got my HT done from a doc in another city) and he said it is not a hematoma and I have nothing to be worried about. How long did it take for your swelling to subside? Did you take any special medications for it?
  5. Dr Madhu Thanks for the reply. I stand by my statement regarding the conversation I had with your clinic staff but as per your clarification, I think it is fair to give the benefit of doubt to the clinic regarding some possible miscommunication. Regards,
  6. No offence taken at all. I know you're just looking out for this community. Ok. I'll admit the staff did not explicitly mention that they will not give an invoice, but they told me that if I paid by cash, I would not have to pay the 10.3% service tax (VAT). Now, this is possible ONLY IF the service provider (the clinic) is not declaring the cash income to the government and thus avoiding paying income tax on that amount. This is what we call black money. This can be done in two ways: 1. Accept cash payment and give no invoice. 2. Accept cash payment and give a 'token' invoice. In local parlance, we term this is a 'chaloo bill'. This bill will have the official letterhead of the company, and will mention the amount paid and will be signed by a representative. However, it will not stand up in any court of law as no service tax has been paid and the transaction has not been declared to the government. This practice is quite common among small businesses and retailers in India. However, when an established ISO 9001 certified clinic dealing in a serious surgery such as hair trasnplantation asks me to pay in cash and avoid service tax, it sets alarm bells ringing in my head. I am not insisting on cheques. I am ok with cheques/Demand Drafts/Wire Transfer or anything else that has a written and documented record. Apart from my concerns about cash expressed above, also consider it is not safe to be tugging along a bagful of cash across India. Sure thing. I'll email him as well. Will keep the community posted if I receive a reply on email instead of the forum. Disclaimer: I am not alleging that Dr. Madhu's clinic IS indulging in unethical/unprofessional practices or/and evading tax. I am stating how it appears to the average consumer based on his business policies.
  7. Hi Bill Thanks for the reply. As I stated at the very beginning, I am bringing up questions, the answers to which will help anyone who is interested in Hair Transplant in India and esp w Dr. Madhu. Dr. Madhu's email is answered by his staff and therefore I thought it would be a better idea to ask these questions on the forum. I have no malafide intentions and am in fact liked most of the results he has shown online. I might go to him for my own surgery. I missed that. Thanks. Fair enough. But I haven't seen any pictures online with HT done with existing hair unshaven. That's why I asked if it is a common practice. The cost is not the issue at all. I just want to know the reason from his POV. Why would you find it suspicious if I prefer to pay with a cheque and insist on a full receipt rather than pay you with a bundle of cash? What if I pay before the surgery?? I would be suspicious of any business that asked me to pay everything in cash rather than white money. And mind it, we are not taking about a small amount. Rs. 100,000 - Rs 200,000 in rupees is a lot of money and notes! I meant that 'we' as in the people on the forum. Let me clarify: I am NOT associated with any person or corporation. A final note: A lot of people here trust HTN and make choices based on its recommendations. As Dr. Madhu is the only surgeon in India recommended by your site, I think it is only fair that we obtain maximum clarity on his work and business practices. However, if you still think the above post is better suited for a private email, let me know and I shall delete it and email him personally. Thanks
  8. HEllo Everyone I've been a lurker on this site and recently signed up. I am based in India and am currently doing research for a good HT surgeon.It's great to see that an Indian doc has finally been recommended by the HTN. All of Dr. Madhu's work seems legit but it is rather weird that all online records of him exist only post mid-2009. I have a few questions for Dr. Madhu, the answers to which I believe would benefit others too. Therefore I am writing them here. Hopefully, Dr. Madhu will respond soon. 1. Dr. Madhu's website hairhospi.com states that they have an ISO 9001 certification. Dr. Madhu has himself stated on this forum that his clinic was fully ready only by end last year. It is rather hard to believe that they have managed to achieve an ISO quality management certification in less than a year. Dr Madhu: Can you point us to an online link giving more details about the same or post the certificate online? 2. Take a look at the following donor scars from a HT done by Dr. Madhu: Hair Restoration Journal -Donar Scar Pics Why are there TWO scars and why do they look so horrendous? 3. Most HT surgeons usually shave the recipient area before the transplant. Dr. Madhu's clinic offers an alternative where they do the HT without shaving off any hair on the recipient area for an extra charge of $400. Is this a standard practice the world over? Are the results one gets with and without shaving the recipient area the same? 4. Dr. Madhu's clinic charges $100 extra for dissolvable sutures. Aren't dissolvable sutures a de-facto part of HT nowadays? Why even make it optional? 5. Dr. Madhu's clinic charges Rs. 45/graft and insists on cash payment. When I called and insisted on paying by cheque/DD, the receptionist said they would allow a maximum of 40% by card/cheque/DD and the rest would have to be cash. I'm not even sure if we get a full invoice. I find this very odd and disturbing for an established practice that is apparently ISO 9001 certified. Pls let us know the reasons for the same.
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