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Posts posted by Thehairupthere

  1. #3 of a razor is very short about 1/2 an inch in length. 2000 grafts is about average for FUT but for FUE it is considered large, and you will need to shave the back of your head from ear to ear to harvest that many grafts. The scar is not bad at all and with long hair it is virtually impossible to notice. Again you will need to shave your head to be able to see the scar from the FUT procedure.

  2. The scar is a thin white line that you won't notice unless you shave your head. The scar is pencil thin and can go from ear to ear depending on the overall size of the treatment. Here is a link with a patient who had a procedure done with a doctor who was not recommended by this site and the doctors performed a scar revision to give him the correct scar. As you can see it's very difficult to notice. The scar will not be noticeable if you braid your hair. The scar again is very difficult to see, but the only way to have less of a scar is to perform the FUE procedure, which has small scars like look like white dots but again they are not noticeable unless you shave your head. That being said FUE does require you to shave an area to extract the grafts and if the procedure is a large one you may need to shave the entire back of your head so FUT may be the right way for you. Here is the link for the scar


  3. You can do either procedure, both will grow the same way, but FUE does have a smaller yield about 10-20% but that number can be lower if you have good quality skin and grafts. The FUE scars are very small white dots, and you won't notice them unless you plan on shaving your head, which I'll assume you don't. The scar from the FUT is a thin linear scar that can go from ear to ear, but again you will not notice this scar unless you shave your head, most men can get away with shaving to a level #3 on a razor with it being undetectable. FUE and FUT are both very natural looking as the transplanting process is exactly the same it is only the extraction part that is different. Most people choose FUT over FUE because of the cost difference, but women have to think about the extraction process because with FUE you have to shave the donor area, and for large treatments you will have to shave the entire back of the head from ear to ear so most women tend to shy away from FUE for those reasons.

  4. When you go through the FUE procedure you will need to shave some part of your donor section. That area could be shaven in narrow strips where your hair can be combed over it so you will be able to hide it, or you can shave the entire back like a military style look. There are no stitches so it is considered more comfortable than the FUT but you do need to take similar precautions, such as showering carefully, no exercise for one week. The area that is transplanted will look exactly the same as it would with the FUT procedure and you can expect that area to look thinner directly after surgery due to the surgeon cutting some existing hair in the area, and also some temporary shocking, which starts to come back around 3 months. Since this is your second time, this may be a bit easier to hide since now you have more hair to cover over this but probably still would need about 1 week to let the redness and scabs come off.

  5. The punch sizes you mentioned are on par with what's to be expected from FUE. The size of the punch can change due to the texture and size of your grafts, so just because they have a .8 punch does not mean the surgeon will use it if your grafts require a larger punch; that is something that is usually determined the day of your surgery.


    The procedures are done manually with a small hand engine that cuts circular incisions are the graft and are then removed one at a time.


    These incisions leave very small scars that appear as white dots, but they are very difficult to see even when shaving to a level 1 on a razor setting, so if you go below that you risk those dots being visible.

  6. Can you post some new photos of the one year result? Are you using any medication like minoxidil or finasteride, because that would help with miniatirization of your native hair. Your results will definitely improve with a second treatment, as your density will be much greater, and it's very common for people to go through two treatments to get a dense appearance.

  7. The price for that amount of grafts seems on par with the normal market value. From the photos that you are showing, I'm not sure you require that many grafts especially 4000. I would estimate somewhere around 2500 grafts to the frontal portion of your head. Also if you aren't using it already, you should consider using minoxidil and finasteride to help keep as much of your native hair as possible and you could also see thickening on the top and crown of your head.

  8. I don't believe a doctor would take the eyebrow hairs from the unibrow area and transplant them because you will be left with small white dots in that area. That is the scarring from FUE, it's not terribly noticeable but I believe the doctor would prefer taking hair from the back of your head. You should consult with a doctor that performs that type of surgery and see what he would charge.

  9. 6 months is a bit early to say it's a complete failure. You do seem to have growth and an improvement but it is too early to determine that something went wrong. That being said, your donor scar is very high for my taste and you may have had some grafts transplanted that may not have been from the "safe zone" or from the permanent supply. Check with your doctor about this.

  10. Are you using any preventative medication like propecia or rogaine? If you are not, you should really consider it, as it appears you will lose more hair as you age. Right now I would say you are a 4/4A on the norwood scale, so you have lost quite a bit of hair at such a young age so it is very important to start the medication before making your decision because if you dont' use it you will certainly need more than one treatment to reach your goals, and I think you may even need more than one treatment already to get the best density you can get. That being said, you do appear to be a good candidate, but you should take this step by step and not rush into anything, so I hope you met with a recommended surgeon from this site.


    As for your questions about how it will look after 9 days; In your case it will be slightly noticeable, because you will most likely experience some shock loss in the frontal portion of your head, and still have some lingering pinkness to your skin. 2 weeks would be better but just so you are prepared for this, expect to look thinner directly after surgery and for a few months post surgery due to the shock loss and the hair not growing in until 3-4 months out.

  11. Both are good options for eyebrows, but since eyebrows typically do not require that many grafts FUE is a great way to go because it will not require you to have a small linear scar in the back of your head to remove the grafts. As long as you are going with a very experienced FUE surgeon I think it could be a great option.

  12. The doctors on this site have consistently shown great results and are regarded as the best around the world. You really should not take a chance on something like this, because it is permanent and you would do well to go with a recommended surgeon from this site.

  13. I belive most if not all of the surgeons that are recommended on this site take into account what the patient wants. They will sit down with you and see what you are looking for, and they will tell you if that is realistic or not. Then they will start designing the hair line and other areas with you and go over why certain designs may not be possible such as not having enough donor hair.

  14. if you're experiencing hair loss it appears it's at the earliest stage, because you appear to have very good density. It is ok to see some hair shed in the shower or in your hands after brushing, because hairs break, that does not mean that the follicle is dying. If you are very concerned you should meet with a recommended doctor from this site and see what they recommend. If they feel you are indeed having male pattern baldness they can recommend propecia or rogaine to help stop further loss.

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