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Posts posted by Thehairupthere

  1. Non scarred skin is best, so if someone has had a procedure before you wouldn't want to take from the scarred area. Elastic, healthy, not too tight skin is best. Hair quality is best when it's not too fine, thicker coarse hair is best. Also something that happens often with African American patients is that the hair curls under the dermis and can make FUE more difficult, but can still be done.

  2. The only person I would recommend you see is Dr. Madhu in India. Not sure what this "FUE only" technique is or how that is different than FUE, but FUE does have scars. The scars are very difficult to notice, they are small white dots in the donor area, and you can shave your head down to a number 1 on a razor and not have it be noticeable. For such a large session like 5000 grafts I would suggest looking into FUT as it's more efficient and you'll probably get better results.

  3. You should post photos otherwise it's very difficult to give you advice on your situation. Everyone is different in terms of how long it takes for their hair to thin out. Sometimes it can happen in a rather short period of time, while others can thin gradually over many years. Continue using rogaine it's going to help you, and just so you know rogaine is the actual brand name "regaine" is probably another minoxidil copy.

  4. I do not know why mucinex would help you grow hair back it. There are other medications out there which are proven to work and can regrow hair as well as stop any further loss. You can use minoxidil (rogaine) or finasteride (propecia). Dont' use mucinex to regrow your hair I really doubt that it did, and it's probably not healthy to use that medication a lot and for an extended period of time.

  5. See a recommended doctor from this forum to talk about medication for hair loss. You only used rogaine for 3 months which is not enough time to see the results. It is also normal to see increased shedding within the first 3-5 months with the medication but it will improve once 6 months rolls around. Continue using rogaine foam twice a day and talk to your doctor about propecia which also works very well at stopping more hair loss and can regrow hair.

  6. You don't have to be on the medication to have the procedure, but sometimes the doctor will recommend using the medication for half a year to a year to see your results before having a transplant. This depends on your hair loss situation, so speak to a recommended surgeon from this forum and get their opinion. In the long run those medications will reduce the likelihood of you losing more hair in the future and lessen the need for more transplants.

  7. If you feel that something is off than it might be best to stop the medication. Sometimes these things are psychological, but best to speak with the doctor who prescribed it to you. If you're not sure if it's real or if you're imagining it, you can try to use it for another week or so and if you continue to feel off just stop it completely and use minoxidil. Talk to your doctor.

  8. Using finasteride is up to you, it is a good product that works well, and does have side effects but they are rare. I would suggest the foam as I have seen better results with it, also it doesn't leave your hair wet and greasy.

  9. I would recommend sticking with the brand name. Just so you know finasteride does NOT cause breast cancer nor does it cause prostate cancer. It can cause, in rare occasions gynecomastia which is enlargment of the breasts, or develop a more severe form of cancer of the prostate if you already get the cancer by other means.

  10. I'm not sure if you have had any shock loss because I'm not sure if the photos you put up are prior to the surgery. But it does seem to me that you had some shock loss in the donor area which is normal and it should be much better in a few more months. You can use dermatch or toppik just dont' "cake" it on. If you put a lot of it on where it's like a layer of paste on your head than it can hinder the growth of the grafts, just don't use too liberally. At this point you shouldn't see much at all so there's not much to go by. In a few months take more photos and show the pre opeative photos alongside them and we'll see how you are progressing, but right now it's too early.

  11. At this point you shouldn't be seeing much, if anything at all in terms of growth so don't be worried or discouraged. 3-4 months is when is just starts to grow and 6-7 months is when you're going to see a noticeable change. It takes a full year to see the final result so you have a long way to go. Definitely keep using the rogaine and if you can use propecia as well.

  12. Definitely continue using the minoxidil. It's very common to see the hairline continue to recede even with the medication but it works very well at retaining your native hair on top and on the crown. I'm not sure how long you've used the medication but it usually takes at least 6 months to see less hair thinning and regrowth occurs closer to a year. If you stop you will certainly lose more hair in the future so I suggest staying on it. Get some cosmetics to hide any potential pinkness that way you'll feel much more confident about the holidays, but again I don't think it will be noticeable, just better to be safe.

  13. Are you doing FUT or FUE? 4 weeks is usually a good amount of time for the pinkness to go away on top, but there could be some slight noticeability but really not bad at all. If you have the FUE the donor section should look fine by then, but if you have FUT the scar may be a bit noticeable if your hair is short. Also expect to have some shocking to the recipient and possibly to the donor area so you could possibly look thinner for the holiday, but overall you should be ok. At that point you could also use cosmetics like dermatch or toppik to conceal any pinkness or thinning.

  14. The numbness is normal it will feel very normal on top of your head for several weeks and the back could also last a few weeks. It can take several months for all the sensitivity to return but this is completely normal. The swelling is also unfortunately normal, but has become rare these days due to better medication used during anesthesia. This can last 2-3 days try icing as much as you can and taking an anti inflammatory medication like motrin.

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