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Posts posted by hsrp10

  1. The worse that could happen according to what all surgeons admit and make you sign a waiver to accept is permanent shockloss of existing hair in some cases. But this is rare. Otherwise people with existing hair would stop getting HT's if this was a large risk.


    And if you are going with Dr. Konior for FUT and agree to shave down the recipient area, I think the chances of this are on the low end. Though some temporary shock loss could happen.

    In terms of scars, he also seems to be one of the best and uses both staples and sutures.


    So the issue you face is that in order to avoid the worse that could happen, you will have to take a measure that will make it more obvious (shaving down the front).

    However with Dr. Konior's clean work though you may be able to disguise the procedure as "a bad haircut" initially, if you can get a few weeks downtime. His post op results are not bright red and bloody in the recipient area as you can see on this forum.

  2. Thanks London, no worries


    That is actually a good point you are making, that if we are actually going to go through the whole ordeal including the oh so "fun" ugly ducking phase and long downtime then more is better in some cases. Especially when seeking density.


    I'm still up in the air how I want to handle my procedure, and have improved enough from my 1st HT that people are telling me I shouldn't do the second one.

    It's not hair greed though, I'm forced to wear a combover and windy days are killing my confidence and fun in life.


    Have you considered the most recommended Dr Hasson, Dr, Konior etc btw?

    They are more expensive but if these guys can't give more density than noone can I think.

  3. Well I am scheduled to have my 2nd HT in the coming weeks with a recommended surgeon.

    It will be mainly to address some thin areas and give me boosted hairline density.


    But my hair is in a good hair cycle now and I am getting a little hesitant to shave my whole front and have the full 2000 or so grafts scheduled.

    Actually I just want to have a selected "pinpoint" procedure only in the thinner areas in the very front.


    Has anyone here had a successful small 2nd HT FUT procedure for hairline density?

    If so how many grafts was it and how aggressive was the approach into existing hair?


    The thought of shaving hair that I have grown long and which now gives the impression of decent coverage, and also shockloss dreams (nightmares :eek:) are giving me anxieties.

  4. Seems the original post is old and before his HT with the amazing Dr. Konior, but I am convinced that Proscar did not help my front hairline either at all. Was constantly losing some hair in the front still even after having a HT procedure by one of the top docs.


    After stopping it my hair is quite stable (also stopped Nizoral which damaged it too).

    I lose a few hairs but almost none in the hairline even with very strong shower pressure.

    I am convinced in my case at least there is no point of taking the drug as my crown and top have no issues.

  5. You still have decent hair and should not panic at all.

    Are you under any stress? Are you overusing hairsprays or gells?


    If you decide to go the drug route, you will need a prescription for finasteride in most cases and do not opt for the generic brand.

    Ask for 5mg Proscar by Merck if you do decide, and cut it into fourths.


    Watch out for any side affects, and ask your Dr. and read the online information about them to keep yourself well informed. They do exist.

    Since your hairloss is in the front you may or may not notice remarkable change, as it seems to help more with the crown and top. Remember you will be ingesting a drug that will affect your hormone balance so proceed with care.

  6. I've had dandruff problems my whole life. Have probably tried every dandruff shampoo under the sun.

    Overuse of nizoral in an effort to keep my scalp flake and plaque free almost ruined the great HT procedure I had with a coalition dr as well.


    I still do use a mild dandruff shampoo off and on, but after experimenting I seem to get less dandruff when using no shampoo ("no poo") as long as I wash my hair every day with strong shower pressure.

    I have always thought that dandruff was more than dead skin, and actually more of a chemical reaction of an oily scalp combined with shampoo ingredients as well. Seems to be true in my case.

  7. Gillenator,


    Thanks for that detailed and encouraging reply!

    I have agreed to let the surgeon buzz down the front recipient areas to the length he needs to perform the procedure.


    I am getting more and more anxious about shockloss because my hair is growing back fairly nicely after Nizoral overuse and dandruff issues, but am confident the Dr. is one of the best or better ones out there who will do a careful and precise job.

  8. I am in the exact same position as Dazed, including graft counts.

    The first HT changed my life in an amazing way.


    But there is a thin spot in the front on one side that makes me style my hair as a partover.

    I am scheduled to have my 2nd HT this summer. My goal is to be able to wear my hair back and also not worry about windy days forever. It has bothered me for a while and I just want to give myself inner peace about my hair, also want to cut it shorter.


    Gillenator and other multiple HT veterans, is it possible to have a second localized procedure only into the thinner areas without risking shockless? I really cannot see shaving my entire front down right now as I am in a good hair cycle except the thin areas, but I guess shaving eliminates more risk of shockloss?

    (my surgeon is one of the top ones recommended and of course will post results but looking for input now)

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