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Posts posted by hsrp10

  1. Not this year thank god, almost at 3 months post op.


    But last fall was the start of a bad spiral that led me to HT #2.

    Lot of hair would come out after work by simply touching my hair.

    I was on Propecia back then and 2% Nizoral almost everyday for SD. Think both fried the results of my decent HT #1.


    Hang in there, with your results from Dr. K sure it will all grow back.

  2. Do not go to Bosley or any other clinic known as being a butcher or known to scar patients, by searching first on this forum or elsewhere for the ones to avoid.

    They will take your money, leave you with a scar for life and likely you will not improve your situation at all.


    Give propecia a try and consult with a highly recommended doctor as Dr. Charles mentions.

    Let us know your general location, and the forum will steer you to the better surgeons in your area.

  3. I would not directly touch the grafted area for at least 10 days.

    Some doctors do recommend spraying with a saline solution to keep the area moist.


    If you are close enough I would visit the clinic for their detailed and careful cleaning.

    If not, be sure to follow their post-op instructions to the very letter.


    In your long journey to thicker hair, you are currently in the most critical stage.

    Hang in there and make it successfully past day 10 when the grafts should be permanently anchored.

  4. Thanks for your honest and frank reply Scar5 ! I will consider what you mention about SMP.


    I've had three HT now, one horrible one from Bozly around 18 years ago that left me scarred for life which I am trying to address now.

    The second one was from one of the best and it changed my life in an amazingly way, just had my third one by another world top -class surgeon for density few months ago.


    I believe HT's do work, but there are those of who have been scarred for life in some form so one really has to be careful.

    Am thankful this site exists to help educate people and steer them away from the butchers out there!

  5. Scar5,


    thanks for those points to keep in mind! Looks like you have been through a lot.

    I had not heard of bolt-on SMP, so do you recommend it and how short do you keep you hair?


    I have to keep mine long because of this damn Boz scar and even the top docs say it cannot be removed unless I stayed immobilized for 2-3 months. Would like to cut it shorter but have to be careful when its wet as my skin is fair and it stands out.


    Also what was the rough cost of the bolt-on SMP?

  6. Whether the hair shafts (not the grafts themselves) shed initially is only a brief cosmetic effect in the early stages.

    Not really something to worry about as they are supposed to shed anyway, and in cases where they don't shed or grow, most doctors will say you are "babying them" too much and to be more aggressive in the shower.


    Would be nice if they grew uninterrupted from the start of course, but that's not how it works in most cases.

  7. Nice, hope you are having continued success.


    Just use caution about Nizoral especially 2%, one of the side affects is hairloss and many have reported such here on this forum, including detailed posts by Spex and Bill also mentions caution as well.


    Spex's post:



    Bill's comments:



    In my case my decent HT that changed my life eventually thinned out while using it, as I was using it a lot to control seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff).

    I would not use it more than 1-2 times a week or it will shrink the sebaceous glands in your scalp and your hair will become brittle and easy to fall out.

  8. Don't want to get into the FUT vs FUE battle as fue seems to be progressing in terms of yield.


    So back to the original subject line, has anyone here had SMP into a strip scar with good results?

    I was a victim of Bosleaze at an early age, and would like to make it less noticeable.

    (my other "scars" are almost impossible to find)

  9. Had a second procedure for hairline density just under 2 months ago.

    My existing hair has grown back well and scar has healing.


    I am losing a few hairs this past week or so that are very short and dark, but none of my other hair is coming out. These dark hairs are not vellous and do have a tiny white root.

    Some are coming out with brushing and others with dandruff/dead skin attached.


    Is this shockloss of hairs the same short length, or is it early new growth that is growing a bit and then shedding?

    I would think 2 months would be too early to see any dark hairs yet. Anyone experience this?

  10. I've done it twice and I recommend 6-7 days if possible, in order to return after the swelling is gone and to protect the grafts.

    After only 2 days you will still be bright red in recipient area and will be dying to wear a hat etc. to cover it up, and the HT you paid a lot for is very susceptible to damage at this early stage.


    Also if you stay local the clinic will be able to clean you up each day which helps with less crusting/scabbing.

    After a week I was able to breeze through the airport without wearing a hat just sporting an "odd haircut," was not visible at all and didn't get a single stare.


    If you have to go back early and customs is very crowded, just tell them the truth as Spanker mentioned that you have had surgery on your head and ask for a private room.

  11. I am not sure what the exact term is, but the condition itself certainly isn't made up.


    I was getting a very greasy scalp and tons of sebum plugs and hairloss in the frontal zone even after having a HT, while I was on fin. So the reaction was the opposite intended.

    My crown and midscalp are fine, so I stopped and the front got a little bit better.

    I used it for three years as I thought it was the default standard for hairloss. I have no intention of re-starting.

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