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Posts posted by corvettester

  1. Maybe you should have read my intro, I I have been a member here MUCH LONGER THAN YOU going back to 2004. I don't have access to my old email account and haven't posted in years.


    If you don't think I was around here daily years ago perhaps YOU could tell me some details about the old days of Armani MEGA FUE, posters like Shane and Pats 205 and Ht patients such as 22years old and all that went on for years, how about Armani sueing this site ?


    BTW I didn't attack anyone but you however ARE ATTACKING ME!




    Your intro is irrelevant and doesn't really prove anything. Everyone knows about the Armanis debates... they're legendary here on the HTN.


    Look, I didn't mean any offense, really. I just call them like I see them. I'm not trying to attack you.


    If you're not a troll and are a legitimate new member, then welcome to the community. However, your excessive praise of Dr. Feller and your ridiculing of Michael5577 are highly suspicious... not to mention the fact that you've only just joined and made no other posts anywhere else!


    And yes, I certainly view your comments against Michael5577 as incendiary and aggressive. You said:

    Yea GREAT advice, Stay away from one of the top 5 HT surgeons in the world and possibly the best FUE DR of all.


    Did you even think before you wrote that?


    Maybe it's really you who should have thought before expressing your opinion?


    If you've been on the HTN so long, as you claim, then I'm sure you can appreciate why I called you out, right? There is simply no place for trolls and dummy accounts on the forums. So if you truly are here to contribute positively and I have offended you, then please accept my apologies... however, I won't apologize for calling BS on trolls.




  2. Yea GREAT advice, Stay away from one of the top 5 HT surgeons in the world and possibly the best FUE DR of all.


    Did you even think before you wrote that ?


    OBVIOUSLY there is something more to all of this and that is why Dr Feller is upset.


    Hey Profoam,


    Welcome to the forum! What an interesting first two posts you've made!


    How nice of you to join for the simple reason of commenting on this thread and this thread only!


    I'd like to direct the attention of the community and the moderators to your first two and only posts where you praise Dr. Feller while ridiculing the long-time contributing, and well-respected member Michael5577.


    You are the second brand new poster in this thread alone that has attacked an authentic, verifiable member while praising Dr. Feller. Please see post #41 by Hairbest.


    Further, you are the third "brand new" poster this week that has attacked a long-standing, authentic member, while praising Dr. Feller.


    I'm not trying to accuse you of foul play, but I find your sudden appearance on the forum to be highly suspect. You'll have to forgive me because you share in common all the traits of a "drive-by" poster, such as...


    1. You just joined this week.

    2. You make only two posts on one controversial topic.

    3. You attack the credibility of a long-standing and highly valued member.

    4. You excessively praise a specific doctor.


    If you think you're helping Dr. Feller, I can assure you that you are not... quite the opposite in fact.


    It's a real shame that no long-standing members have yet extended their support to Dr. Feller on this thread, and that anonymous posters keep to the shadows to do so... yet still malign respected community members...


    I do hope the moderators investigate your account.




  3. ...It's interesting that you use the phrase "hold his hands up" because when patients make demands of my generosity online they may as well be telling me "stick 'em up and give me something for free", the exact same way a criminal would. Hold my hands up indeed.


    I know other doctors cower and duck for cover when an "unhappy" patient comes online with complaints. They usually give whatever the patient wants to shut them up fast, and of course that's exactly what the unhappy patient planned all along. But whether it's a free surgery or a refund, the vocal online patient usually signs a non-disclosure agreement and nothing is heard thereafter on the thread. Is this fair to the rest of the online community? A doctor you think is compasionate may really just be paying off his patients to shut up...



    This must be the most cynical statement that I have ever read on the HTN. Essentially, you claim that other doctors are cowards, and any patients who complain are disingenuously seeking leverage. What’s more, you equate them with criminals sticking you up! What a self-serving and convenient belief!


    It’s not seeking leverage, it’s holding doctors to account! No honest doctor should fear this. You’re the only doctor that I’ve seen get so defensive.


    You accuse Jessie of seeking leverage, but how can you know this? Can you see inside his heart? Why must you assume the worst in man?


    Only in the Hair Transplant Industry could an idea such as this be entertained for even a second. Every other industry in existence understands the importance of standing behind their product and not blaming the consumer when the product fails or doesn’t live up to its expectations.


    Frankly, your argument makes no sense at all. The entire reason the HTN exists is because of dishonest doctors not being accountable for shoddy work, deceptive practices and poor patient care.


    If all these negative posters are seeking leverage, then what about all the positive posters, what’s their angle? There are far more of them. According to you, it’s only when they’re dissatisfied with you that they’re trying to disingenuously seeking leverage.


    You've made some very serious, unsupported accusations against Jessie in your recent diatribe. The reality is that you’re trying to strong-arm him by discrediting and attacking his character, accusing him of being a looter and moocher.


    Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that I’ve witnessed you disparage your patients. In fact, you are the only coalition doctor that I have ever seen malign his own patients. Why are you the only doctor making these accusations against his patients? Surely, there must be some other doctor who agrees with you… I welcome them to come forward!


    Just because a man states his honest opinion of his experience, doesn’t mean that he’s trying to shake you down. What’s so sad is that you assume the worst in patients and doctors alike. You find it impossible to believe that another doctor could genuinely feel for his patient and want to make it right, without compensation.


    This is another recurring theme with you: once someone goes public and dares to criticize you, you attack them! They’re out to get you! They’re liars. They have no credibility! Everyone is wise to this by now…


    Why do you continue to have so many communication problems when hardly any other doctor does? Again, you don’t seem to see the problem in these recurring complaints against you. Jessie’s complaints certainly aren’t the first by a long shot. All of this is easily verifiable and, based on such, I find Jessie to be a much more credible source... his experience is not unique by any means...



  4. When Spex agreed that the result was poor and that FUE had clearly not worked out for me I was actually quite shocked, whilst feeling guilty that I had been so suspicious. Spex examined my hair and commented that my hairline looked sparse and that although there had been growth, The HT had not yielded the results that he would have expected from 1000 FUE. He agreed that there was an issue with the density and genuine awkward looking appearance of it.


    Spex and I also agreed that there had been some native loss in the zone behind my hairline, particularly in the forelock area. I asked Spex if that had surprised him, bearing in mind that this was no revelation. I had pointed this out to Spex in our initial consultation in which he agreed at the time that this needed addressing and was confident that Dr Feller would be able to achieve this. I outlined my concerns to Spex that I felt that my approach was not right and would never have realistically achieved my goals bearing in mind that Dr Feller did not address the areas that we had discussed.


    Spex put a huge amount of emphasis on the uncertainties of FUE and was very very critical of it. So much so I was almost knocked over as to how negative he was sounding about it in comparison to his initial consultation. He rubbished FUE and said that he was one of the’ lucky ones’. Spex said that he would relay my concerns to Dr Feller but any negotiation as to a second procedure would be a matter for Dr Feller and I to discuss.


    On the subject of a second procedure Spex went into great depth as to what my requirements were. Again, I felt inspired again. He said that this time I needed a strip procedure in order to hit the hairline and unstable region behind it and ‘get it sorted once and for all’. The zone identified was about 4 cms from my hairline backwards. Spex then took some photographs and later that evening got in touch with me and asked me to provide him with wet pics...


    In light of what Spex said about my result, and claiming to be an unbiased patient advocate I feel that that he has not supported either myself or Dr Feller, following Dr Feller's post in which he vehemently defends the result and made comments in which Spex in fairness will know flyin the face of reality.



    Many of us here on the HTN can speculate as to the true nature of Jessie’s result based on the photos that he or Dr. Feller posted. I won’t bother giving my opinion because at this point, it’s irrelevant.


    There are only two people on the HTN that have actually seen the results in person, up close and personal: Jessie and Spex. Both of whom are in a really strong position to know if it is a quality result or not, as Jessie has to live with it everyday and Spex, as a professional, has examined it closely in person…


    According to Jessie1’s last post, both he and Spex agree that it is a poor result. This says it all…


    What’s really troubling is that, according to Jessie, Spex declared himself to be "one of the lucky ones." I didn’t think that in 2011 FUE depended on luck. The fact that Spex was so Gung-ho about FUE before Jessie agreed to undergo his HT, only later to reverse his stance after acknowledging Jessie's poor result, is unfortunate as well.


    Lastly, I’m really surprised that Spex has not made a single post on this thread. This is very unusual as he is the most prolific poster on the HTN, not including moderators. Thus, I encourage him to do so...


    Since Spex has seen Jessie's result in person, he is clearly in a position to know the true nature of it. Why not advocate on behalf of Jessie to his employer, Dr. Feller? If not, in my opinion, this is tantamount to leaving him out in the cold...




  5. I had the same issue. My scalp was seriously irritated for a good 6 week post-op. It was constantly itchy and tingly and it seemed like no matter what shampoo or conditioner I used, it didn't help. Eventually, I went with some stuff called Men's Science, but it was something like $30 a bottle, ouch!


    Once the irritation went away, then came the pimples which lasted another 8 weeks or so. They were big ones too!




  6. I post my comments from both work and at home so my ip changes too...

    I think you have to prove that these guys are shills or whatever you want to call them before drawing conclusions on whether they're fake posters or not.


    Give them the benefit of doubt... after all anybody should have the liberty to post their opinions on any subject as lon as they comply with the TERMS and conditions of this community




    Your points are well taken.


    I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt. However, we shouldn't let malicious posters take advantage of our goodwill. Some cases are so egregiously bad, that they merit special attention.


    I think Ark is a perfect example of such posters. Also, the poster who was bashing H&W two months ago, claiming that they were cutting donors strips too high among other things...


    You'll see these posters join only to make one or two comments... and never be heard from again! It's just too obvious!


    That isn't freedom of speech, that is using freedom of speech to manipulate and pervert the system. It's not different from running into a crowded theatre and shouting "Fire! Fire!"




  7. Corv i have my own agenda regarding you and feller that i have already spoken to you about but i have to say these drive by posters are clearly people who think the same but are too scared to reveal there real posting aliases.




    I think that you're mistaken...


    If these "drive-by" posters agree with you, but are too scared to reveal their identities, then why are there so many of them, over so many various issues, attacking so many different doctors and members... 99% of which have nothing to do with me or Feller?


    And why would they be "scared?" Cowardly, yes, but not scared. There is nothing I nor anyone can do to them...


    I've been a member of the HTN about 10 months. I've seen dozens of these first-time, drive-by posters. From what I've seen, the most of them attempt to attack and discredit H&W or SMG... which is a sin! Sometimes they're subtle, other times outright vicious...


    To tell you the truth, I feel like they do far more harm and virtually no good to the doctors that they allegedly support. I mean, anyone who has been on the HTN more than a month can see them for what they truly are. Personally, I have my suspicions about Hairbest and Ark. What's more, I honestly feel like they are maligning Dr. Feller's reputation.


    Who would want to be associated with them?



    I apologize if I've gone too far off topic...




  8. Edit: I see that "hairbest" has posted on this topic and while he's a new member, I see nothing offensive about his statements. Furthermore, his IP address does not match that of Ank's or anyone elses. Thus, I see no real evidence to suggest that he's a fictitious poster. However, members of this community are welcome to draw their own conclusions about this.


    Corvettester, all members (even newbies) are entitled to their opinions. However, I agree that if it's evidenced that new posters are fakes trying to favor a particular topic towards one side or another, then these members will be removed. As moderators of this community, we're always on the lookout for this but do request that if you spot potential troublemakers, that you send one of us a private message to investigate it further.





    I was just using Ank and Hairbest as examples. I have no doubt that you, Blake and David take such matters very seriously as you have already proven to myself and the community on several occasions that such behavior will not be tolerated. I was speaking in general and used Ark and Hairbest because they are the two most recent accounts that I personally suspect.


    I was simply making a public service announcement to the community. The HTN tends to get these "drive-by" posters about once a month or so and you never know who is going to be their victim, whether doctor or patient. I think it's important to call them out especially so that new members can see how moderators handle such situations and protect the community from malicious posters.


    As moderator of the HTN, I respect the position that you must have evidence before taking any actions. This is completely understandable and a credit to the transparency of the HTN.


    Again, kudos to you, Black and David because I've seen how efficient, shrewd and judicious you three can be in addressing such posters.




    Why then, should we host a second discussion of the same patient's experience and results which is sure to be a repeat of what's already been discussed?


    To answer your question, I view the two topics as very distinct form one another. To me, one is a result update, thus belonging in the Results Posted by Patients Section; while the other is about an overall experience, thus belonging in the Surgeon Experience Review Section.


    However, your points are well taken. After you explained your reasoning, I can now see why you decided to merge them: so as to not confuse the community. After all, the original post was still being commented on 6 weeks after it's initial posting.


    Thanks for clearing that up. I hope my difference in opinion was not poorly taken.




  9. One more thing...


    I'd like to draw the community's attention to two brand new members, Ank and Hairbest. "Hairbest" made his first and only post in this thread (#41), where he discredits the OP and praises the Dr. Feller. "Ank" attacked myself and my doctor while praising Dr. Feller in another recent thread started by Destorious (thankfully, moderators edited his post to remove some of the most offensive comments).


    Both members joined the HTN this past week. Both members dedicated their first and only post to discrediting long-time members and praising Dr. Feller.


    Here on the HTN we sometimes see these "drive-by" posters. They attack all sorts of different doctors or members. Sometimes, they praise certain doctors while bashing others; other times it's members that they're after. I've recently seen them bash H&W, SMG and T&D... but there are more documented cases.


    I think it's important for the HTN to recognize such posters and address them appropriately. They violate the very foundations of what the HTN is all about: Patient Advocacy!


    Both poster have these things in common:

    1. First time posters.

    2. Only one post in total.

    3. Recently Joined HTN, yet have very strong opinions.

    4. Attack a Coalition Doctor or HTN member.

    5. Excessively praise a Coalition Doctor or HTN member, at the expense of another.


    I'm not making any accusations, but I think I'm justified in viewing such members as highly suspicious, and I know I'm not alone.


    Due to proxy servers and separate IP Address hosting, it's not always possible for webmasters to prove the true location of an I.P. address. Thus, I encourage the community and to be on the look out for such posters and alert the moderators if you suspect foul play. We cannot allow internet trolls to pervert the integrity HTN.





  10. Jessie,

    You've alread posted a topic on this and thus, I will be merging these two topics. There's no sense in hosting multiple threads on the same topic, especially considering you were the original poster of the previous topic.




    With all due respect, I disagree with the decision to merge these two threads.


    The first thread is his 9.5 month update of his results and was originally posted almost 6 weeks ago. He is now on his 11 month update.


    The second thread is regrading his experience with Dr. Feller, not his results. Thus, he should be allowed two separate threads as they are unique topics.


    Further, I noticed that he titled his second thread "My Bad Experience with Dr. Feller." He went on to comprehensively relate his entire story from beginning to end. I think this is vital information for the community.


    Also, it makes it easier for members, new and old alike, to search for positive or negative results or experiences with Dr. Feller, or any doctor for that matter.


    The choice to merge his thread is incongruent with patient advocacy and will be seen by many as protecting the doctor's interests by not allowing a thread with such a negative title to exist. In essence, his Surgeon Review is being buried in a 9.5 month patient result update, which only diminishes and gives less credence and credibility to the patient's story, and HTN.


    I do hope he will be allowed to post a comprehensive review of his experience with Dr. Feller in a separate, appropriately titled thread.




  11. Hey Ank,


    Welcome to the forum!


    Very interesting first post!


    I'm flattered that you joined the HTN just to comment on me! No worries though, my friend. A cursory glance at the topic sections will show you that I comment on just about everyone's results. In fact, I've probably commented on about 20 results in the past two days which is easily verifiable. However, you accuse me of obsessing on other member's HTs??? That is the point of the forum... duh!


    Further, if you really want anyone to take you seriously, why not criticize my ideas or my opinions. Not once did you even attempt to refute anything I had said... I wonder why?


    Nothing you said in your post was even remotely true... obviously, just another pitiful attempt by internet trolls trying to stir up controversy. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? I feel sorry for you.


    Now let's get this thread back on topic. We're supposed to be supporting Destorious here, Ank.




  12. Destorious, Great to see you online.


    Please do not worry and dont allow certain people to make you worry either as at 6 months generally the entire process is only approx 50%...





    No need to get defensive, Spex. This is simply a matter of a difference of opinion. I made it quite clear that I was speaking of my case specifically and what a few HTN doctors had told me personally regarding what to realistically expect for new growth.


    No offence to you Spex, but I will listen to the doctors when it comes to things like this. I don't doubt your or UKresponder's personal experiences at all... nor do I think you should doubt mine. However, I have my doubts as to how common new growth spurts are after 8 months...


    I just don't want to paint a rosy picture for anyone as I feel it can set people up for failure and lead to resentment. I'm certainly not the first person to mention this. Just look at Albion71, for example. Everyone kept telling him to wait, except for Anouar, and look where it got him! This is the same thing that I would tell anyone because this is what most people told me when I was in Destorious’ position.


    Further, there seems to be a lot of debate as to the topic of when to realistically expect new growth…


    Lastly, I didn't read anything in Destorious' response that sounded like he was prematurely worried. He seemed very calm and collected to me... I certainly hope that I did not cause Destorious any unnecessary worries. I thought I made it clear that he didn't have anything to worry about when I said:


    However, all is not lost, you could be a late bloomer. Let's keep in mind that it's still early in the game...



    Or when I said:



    Of course, there are the cases of late bloomers, so there is no sense in giving up hope. Also, special considerations for extremely large sessions, etc...


    Good luck to you though. You're result thus far is nothing to worry about or to really feel disappointed in. You still have time to come through, and even if it doesn't, making it right won't be such an arduous task at all... just more waiting.:(


    I hope this clears things up.




  13. Hey- thanks for the feedback. I thought 6-8 months was the big growth time in HT? Pretty sure I haven't lost any more hair since the Op...




    I've always read, as well as seen, that the most growth happens between 3-6 months. If you check out my hair loss website and updates, you'll see that this has basically been my personal experience too. Further, several docs have stated as much to me in person. They pretty much told me that I'm lucky to get any significant new growth after 6 months...


    I was asking the same question as you on my 6 month update. If you look at my updates you'll find that most of the comments agree with me. A few people such as Joetronic told me to hold out for 8 months, but the vast majority said not to expect much, if any, new growth after 6 months.


    Of course, there are the cases of late bloomers, so there is no sense in giving up hope. Also, special considerations for extremely large sessions, etc...


    Food for thought... I'm coming up on 10 months post-op and I really haven't seen any noticeable new growth since month 6. I have definitely noticed the difference in the maturity and quality of the new hair since then though... it actually goes a long way in improving the overall look, thank god!


    No offense to the posters who told me to wait it out, but I kind of resent it. I mean, I know they had my best interests at heart, but it kind of gave me false hopes. I'm sure that they had seen plenty of cases of late bloomers, so I know that they weren't trying to intentionally mislead me. I, however, try to be as realistic and candid in my responses and analysis as possible. I'm more of a cautiously optimistic person.


    Good luck to you though. Your result thus far is nothing to worry about or to really feel disappointed in. You still have time to come through, and even if it doesn't, making it right won't be such an arduous task at all... just more waiting.:(




  14. im keeping everything crossed that it thickens up alot in the next 5.5 months......!


    Hair is slightly shorter in these pics then before (Grade #2 as opposed to #3) as I couldnt really grow it out as it is far too thin on the left side to style as of yet.


    Honest opinons requested!


    Hey dude,


    I see what you mean about it being thinner on the left side than the right. Funny thing is that is exactly what is happening to me too!


    At 6.5 months you probably won't be seeing a lot more growth, if any. At this point, it's mostly going to be the maturity factor that pulls your HT together.


    I have to say, you're actually looking a little thin on both sides, in my opinion. I would expect more growth/density at this point. However, all is not lost, you could be a late bloomer. Let's keep in mind that it's still early in the game...


    On the positive side, when comparing the close-up pics to the ones at a distance, the disparity in density is completely negligible. Nobody will be able to tell the difference. Also, even with your current density, in the photos at a distance, I see that there is a definite improvement. You're temples or corners certainly appear to be filled from a few feet away.


    If it doesn't end up coming through, I'm sure a second, relatively minor, procedure could address the shortcomings of this result. You're already one of the lucky few in that your loss is so minimal, but I understand why you'd want to have your temples closed.


    Also, is it just me or have you lost a little more hair behind the transplanted area? It definitely looks that way on the photo of your left side. Are you on Propecia or Rogain?


    Lastly, after comparing your before pics, where you have lengthy hair, to your after pics with a shaved head, I have to say that you look really good with a shaved head. It's definitely a look you can rock...


    Good luck,




  15. Jessie1,


    I have to admit that the language and tone of your last post puzzles, if not troubles me. It seems as if you feel guilty for posting your honest opinion and experience. This phenomenon of self-guilt is not uncommon on the forums, which is unfortunate considering the raison d’etre of the HTN.


    Further, I don’t know what to make of your allusions to your behind-the-scenes dealings with Spex and Feller. Why not adhere to a policy of full disclosure just as Dr. Feller has done? This isn’t some sort of top-secret government project; you are perfectly within your right to post your correspondences.


    It seems as if you were more worried about offending Dr. Feller than you were about your own experience and result. You shouldn’t feel the need to censor yourself, lest you offend someone. Again, this is what the HTN is here for: a watered-down, bowdlerize version of your experience benefits none.



    That being said, what troubles me the most about this thread is that the doctor has rejected you for a second procedure. I’ve actually never heard of a doctor refusing a former patient—perhaps a specific request, but not a procedure altogether. Are your respective visions so at odds as to be irreconcilable?


    In my eyes, this raises a lot of issues. I mean, I could understand if you were a new patient with unrealistic expectations, but that isn’t the case. I would assume that in such circumstances a doctor would simply refuse whatever is asked of him, yet offer a suitable and ethical alternative…


    Did Dr. Feller offer you such an alternative?


    Dr. Feller’s response worries me because it effectively washes his hands of problem patients and his responsibility therein. I view this as a convenient way of passing the buck…


    I mean, why rescind the initial offer? Why not work with the patient and explain the limitations, instead of leaving him out in the cold? If your expectations were truly unrealistic, surely you could be persuaded to come to your senses. Wasn’t there any effort made to enlighten you as to the limitations of follicular unit hair transplantation?


    Do you agree with his conclusion that your results are unrealistic? Does Spex, or anyone else who has seen your results in person, agree with your analysis and expectations? How did you come to said expectations?


    Lastly, before you underwent FUE with Dr. Feller, did he address the possibility of future loss with you? Did he think that you would lose more in the forelock or did the topic simply never arise? I mean, it’s only been 10 months! Unless I’m the one being unrealistic here, surely there must have been some indication of potential loss just 10 months ago?


    Further, do you consider the recent photos Dr. Feller posted as indicative of the true nature of your result? Is this how it really looks?


    I have to admit that it doesn’t look bad according to the pics Dr. Feller posted; however, the ones you posted at 9.5 months do seem less than stellar—certainly not a failure though. We all understand here at the HTN that sometimes poor photos can make a good HT look bad, or a bad HT look good—I’m just not sure which is which here…


    Long story short: you’re not happy. You’re dissatisfied with your result for certain, and I’d wager that you are also dissatisfied with your experience with Dr. Feller. You've shown yourself to be reasonable, respectful as well as a gentleman. I’m perplexed as to why doctor and patient haven’t come to an amicable resolution…




  16. Yes, I'd say that 1,500 grafts will complete or reestablish what you lost. Good luck with that. Dr. Rahal will take care of you nicely.


    Definitely get back on the meds to prevent further loss.




  17. Nice!


    Glad to see that you completed your second HT. If the first one is any indication of how this one will turn out, then you'll end up with one of the "much talked about" final results.


    I look forward to seeing your progress. Bisanga is truly an impressive physician.





  18. This is a fantastic result from so few grafts. The coverage is excellent and this guy should be a happy bunny.


    Nice to see some good resuls coming through on the forums after what appears to be a 'rocky' phase.




    I've been saying that for ages now. Nowhere do I see any other docs doing so much with so little than at T&D.


    If you only have a limited amount of donor supply left, or if you're keen on preserving what you do have, T&D is your answer...




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