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Posts posted by waveskier

  1. My surgery was done by 2 female technicians. They were both highly skilled at what they do. In fact it is ALL they do, and they do it often enough to be very proficient.


    Yes my doctor did the surgical cutting and removal of the donor strip, but the ladies did the rest. I was amazed at how they could stand for hours doing such tedious work. They were always pleasant and answered all my questions without hesitation. All in all I have no complaints. I should also mention that my fees were considerably higher than most. My doctor brings in his technicians from Chicago and they stay for one week out of the month the do the graft work.


    It was either this or me flying off to somewhere which was not an option at this time. So I am assuming that part of my cost covered the expenses of the techs. I paid for the convenience of staying in my own home.

  2. I have read that scabs come off anywhere between 5 days to 5 weeks! That seems ridiculous, how can there be such a disparity?


    Mine are just now flaking off at 10 days. However I do lather up in the shower and spend 10 minutes massaging them, but mine fall off after the shower when my hair is dry. If I lightly massage the recipient area they just start falling. Most of these do have small hairs in them which from what I have read is OK.


    I will say it is incredibally temting to pick at them, but I will resist! Tomorrow I will get the staples removed, however I have also read that YOU can remove them yourself with help if instructed to do so? Anybody done this??




  3. you could get your abs showing with diet alone


    Absolutely. If you get skinny enough you will see a 6-pack. Everyone has ab muscles, but most are just hidden. Exercise grows and sharpens those muscle which will make them appear deeper. Diet is still number one, and also the most difficult. Formula for looking good 80% diet / 20% exercise.

  4. Well I will say this, you can do 1000's of reps of gut work daily and without a good diet you will remain fat. That is a fact. Gut work for me is more to strengthen my core and lower back than for great abs. I only get great abs when my diet is low carb and low fat.

  5. Yes you are correct. Newbies, self included tend to ask the same questions. I always do a search first but some of the data is so old from 2003 that I can't help but think maybe there may be more current info. Anyway this forum has been a life saver for me!

  6. I did a search and sun exposure is all over the map. Naturally a sunburn is not good, but I cannot imagine that minimal sunshine at some point would not be healthy. Can anyone tell me what the guidelines are for sunning after HT? I should add that most of my grafts are somewhat covered by my own hair.


    How soon can grafts be exposed and for how long?



  7. I did leg lifts and crunches on a machine that did not put any stress on my donor site. I am so glad I finally got in a workout. Actually I really could have lifted heavier than I did just didn't want to take any chances. Next workout on Saturday I will probably ramp up to about 75%. I would say today I used about 50% of my normal poundage..


    All I can say is that I sure feel good about and looking forward to my next workout. Looking more forward to getting these flipping staples out on Monday!

  8. I went to the gym this morning on day 7 and did a little cardio and then a fairly light workout. I didn't do anything that would have required me to lay flat on a bench. In fact with the sutures still in it is very uncomfortable to rest the back of my head on any kind of firm surface.


    Anyway I had a good workout and no problems at all. I think for me day 7 was a perfect time to get back in the gym.

  9. Tomorrow is day 7 for me and I am planning on a light workout with weights and a little cardio. Not training really effects my attitude, appetite and mood. I will go very easy and do nothing to create stress on my donor site. I will also report back my experience for others.

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