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Posts posted by waveskier

  1. Speegs,


    I can tell you that I had 2000 grafts in the same area you did and I am now 4months post op. Mine looked just about the same as yours at 13 weeks. the best growth for me is JUST NOW occurring. It was a bit discouraging when I would see other guys at 3 months with a lot more hair than I had, but I am feeling better all the time.


    My hairs seem to be thin as well but they are progressing better than they were just 2 weeks ago. Some of us just start off a little slower than others. Smile and just sit back and let it happen. Believe me I know how you feel.


    Aloha Russ

  2. I had a surgery nearly 4 months ago and I have seen very little growth so far. Only a handful of grafts. When I contacted the clinic at month 2, I was told wait to month 3 and you will see a significant amount of growth. At month 3, the clinic said wait to month 4 or 5 for good growth. I hope I just don't hear the same story every month about waiting another month to see growth. It seems like the ultimate dangling of the carrot in front of the horse.


    I too went to a very respected doctor on this board. One of the reasons people don't post disappointing results is a lot of the popular doctors have very strong supporters and followers and if you question your result from them, they somehow attack you and take it personally that you are questioning the doctor they are so proud of. You are made to feel that no way this doctor could have done a poor job and somehow you as the patient are to blame. I have seen it on this and other forums many times.


    I also would consider my growth slow for 4 months. My hairs are thin and wispy, nothing like the hair from the area they were taken from. I have been told to give it 6 months. I just hope something kicks in here in the next few weeks.

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