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Blog Entries posted by lukeyb1687

  1. lukeyb1687
    OK So I have been following my regime for almost 3 months now and I must say I am super excited!! My hair line has never looked better (well not within the last 5 years) and it feels so thick too!!! Unfortunately I ran out of ARG Matrix for a 2 weeks and only got back on it a couple of days ago....I can already see increase in thickness and growth of even more white hairs!!! The Temples have really thickened out compared to what they were and now even more white hairs are appearing even lower then before!! Hopefully next month you will see an almost Straight hairline!! But check out my pics and let me know what you think
  2. lukeyb1687
    So I have now been using my regime for 1 1/2 months....and it has been tough! The shedding made my hair loss look worse then it had...but it has been the greatest decision to combat my hair loss as now I have significant regrowth of white hairs(and some are growing darker) The pictures I have added you can just about see where the regrowth is recurring! Hopefully in a month of so they will be darker and you will be able to see! The quality of the rest of my hair is fantastic it feels so thick! I think this is mainly because of the ARG Matrix. It's the safest does of l-arginine you can buy and has 25 years of testing with 0 side effects! I know it's not meant mainly for hair loss but it is supposed to help maintain current hair and make it healthier, So I figured what I am regrowing back will make it stronger then just peach fuzz! It really seems to be working! I never though that minoxidil, provillus, GNC mega men sport and ARG Matrix would take effect so soon! I am sooo over the moon, every morning instead of waking up down and not wanting to look in the mirror because my hair is falling out I am waking up excited to see how it has changed over night...haha I know you can't really notice but it's SUPER exciting to see progress!!
  3. lukeyb1687

    This month I decided, after 4 years of my hair line receding, to actually do something about it and stop praying for some form of miracle overnight regrowth! So I went out and bought Generic Minoxild from Kirkland, some GNC Mega Men Sport tablets (for general vitamin dosages), Provillus tablets and ARG Matrix (a new L-Arginine formula that is meant to help with keeping the hair healthy as well as many other benefits)

    I started using the Minoxidil and Mega Men Sport tablets on the 22nd April and the next week ordered the provillus and began taking that as well. I just started taking the ARG Matrix a couple of days ago so I will have to keep everyone informed on that at a later stage when I can start noticing effects. I've been reading all sorts of stories from all different websites but my favorite is Hair Restoration Network, so much info and research and so in depth!

    This first month has been hard, I like my hair long but I began to notice that keeping it long was making it hard to put the Minoxidil treatment on my scalp and also I began thinning in the middle of the crown

    I thought I originally was just receding and that I was a lucky one and was going to miss the whole crown balding... apparently not! So I cut my hair short so it was easier to apply the solution,but it has been tough to watch as there is ALOT of shedding! But I can only view this as a positive! I have started to notice some very fine white hairs coming through at the temples where there hasn't been anything for a few years, and today was the first day I have noticed that some are getting a little darker! Which has me overly excited!

    I know Minoxidil is supposedly not for temple regrowth but there certainly is no harm in trying and besides I was inspired because of Zeroheats story at the Hair Loss Talk website http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact...ic.php?t=56072

    I figured that it wouldn't hurt to document my journey on here!

    I have attached some before pictures and pictures that I have taken today. There is a couple of long hair. My blog will be updated monthly and also this forum http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=156479
  4. lukeyb1687
    Ok I am just shy of posting this at the 2 month mark, I still have till the 25th June....and I realise now that I posted the 1 1/2 months early...but hey I had results!! Haha!

    These last weeks have slowed in progression and the only reason I can think of is I stopped taking the ARG Matrix because I ran out of supply and don't get paid till the end of the month...but managed to get some ordered by borrowing some cash and will hopefully see more results! So the hairline is defiently filling in the temple more! It's amazing! I know they are still fine little hairs but I am sooo excited...especially as no more hair is falling out at the moment...I don't have any excess hairs coming off in the shower...I think I am going to give this credit to Provillus and it's key ingredient Saw Palmetto! The temples are certainly filling out more and creating less of a drastic recession...they are currently forming a straighter hairline simmilar to what I had at 17/18! So here are the pictures at the moment, I am getting my haircut on tomorrow and will see whether they notice the change! The hair that wasn't receding has been getting thicker and healthier looking! I'm actually excited to get my haircut now and even more excited to get more of the ARG Matrix!!

    Exciting times ladies and gentlemen!!

    I've added a few pictures with and without flash
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