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Dr Tejinder Bhatti

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Posts posted by Dr Tejinder Bhatti

  1. Hi GNX1,


    It is against the law, in India, to refuse HIV patients any surgical procedure- even hair transplant. It is also illegal to get HIV testing done if the client refuses. The clients are first counseled and in case they permit, we go ahead. Most clients (the vast majority) have no issue with testing.

    We have had 2 HIV positive clients in the last 3 years since we started doing the testing as a matter of routine. These 2 were not turned away- their procedure was done with enhanced precautions.

    I would like to add here that when we did FUT (strip), no such testing was done.

    In FUE procedures, however, due to the automated technique, at times blood may get sprayed and enter the eyes of assistants, putting them at risk.

    In case you need further clarifications, I would be happy to elaborate.

    I feel HIV testing is a indicated when you do FUE procedures.

    This is for enhanced safety and not for exclusion of HIV positive patients.

  2. Hi Pradeep,


    We try our best that HIV does not spread in the following ways-


    1. All staff including myself undergo the following tests every 6 months- HIV, HBsAg, HCV

    2. Clients are required to undergo HIV, HBsAg and HCV testing before the procedure.

    3. Universal precautions are taken to prevent HIV transmission from client to staff.

    4. We have an in-house CSSD facility through which we sterilize instruments and punches which are first cleansed using an ultrasonic cleanser and then autoclaved.


    These are in keeping with SOP in surgical facilities the world over.

  3. Wish you a happy new year.

    There are so many motors available in the market- JH is just one of them. I am comfortable using this system since I trained on it 4 years back. The JH punch is a blunt punch and causes a low transection rates and hence a higher yield of grafts per session.

    The Kowloon punch is a semi-sharp punch and I use this too.

    Manual FUE is very slow and it is not that it gives better grafts. Doctors use it (esp. dermatologists) since they are used to this technique.

  4. There are good FUT scars and there are bad ones. Bad scars can be repaired only through FUE since usually the cause is a tight scalp resulting from too much skin having been excised; when the surgeon has not optimally assessed the tensile characteristics of the skin of the client. When scars occur, clients like this recent one get perturbed and opt for disguising the scar which is possible only through FUE. This present patient came for FUE for the hairline and opted for scar revision through FUE as well.

    Follow up pictures shall be posted after 5 months of the procedure.




  5. This 35 year young man of Indian origin from Australia visited for 3000 grafts which were done. In the second sitting 5 months later, an additional 1600 grafts were placed in the crown. The pictures show his results at 5 months and the grafts placed in the crown. The donor site after 5 months can be seen too.His second sitting took place last Sunday. Will post his complete result in May 2013.










  6. Hi "Capa",

    Yes the thicker hairs which grow out faster than the rest after trimming/ shaving are anagen hair. Hair transplant is an aesthetic procedure and we do not thin out the donor area to the extent that it shows.

    If upto 1 in 4 follicular are harvested from the donor area, no-one can make out the difference after a few weeks.

    Yes, I use the safe Scribe- motorised system.

    Thank you for your interest in my technique.

    Dr B

  7. Hi "moopookoo",

    If you study the preop pictures, you will realize the patient had considerable parietal recession (area behind the temples) consequent to wearing a clip-on hair piece for over 30 years. This had made his hairline on the sides drop considerably due to traction alopecia. Now, given a person with type 6 MPB with exceedingly low donor density, all hair available are a boon. I never considered the pubic region till the patient suggested this after we had depleted all good donor hair from the body. As long as the hair are softened by scalp hair, it really does not matter what hair you choose. In case you need any further clarifications, I would be much too happy to answer.

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