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Posts posted by HairDew

  1. Deiter Ginsberg,


    Our hair grows in groups of 1,2,3 or 4 hair, these groups are called GRAFTS. With today's modern hair transplant techniques, doctors transplant groups/grafts in their NATURAL state. The only place where doctors put only SINGLE HAIR GRAFTS is the HAIRLINE. Then they put 2s, 3s and 4s behind the hairline. The more hair in the graft, the more density is achieved.


    So when you see stories from doctors or patients on this site, you will most likely see the breakdown of their hair grafts (the number of 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s).


    Good luck icon_smile.gif

  2. I can't relay to those stories because I started losing my hair when I turned 29-30 years old but by contrast I would like to share a story of my best friend in college.


    He was a somewhat good looking guy, nothing special by many people's standards but he had such a charisma, confidence and a great sense of humor. Anyways, we were all at the party and there were a few guys in there who's hair either started to recede or some guys were already around NW3-4 (my friend was one of these unlucky ones). After a few drinks too many, one of the drunken girls started making fun of the guys who's losing their hair (my friend wasn't right there, he was in another room). Anyways, I saw those guys faces and they looked extremely hurt. One guy had a very pale skin, so he just turned "lobster" color. Everyone of those guys were just standing there silent, taking the beating of their life. I couldn't stand it. I said something to that gils something like "you're the most shallow bitch on the planet" or something to that effect. She turned to me, laughing and saying that it doesn't concern me cause I still have hair but she added "well you never know, one of these days you will just like them ahahahah".


    About 2 minutes later my friend comes into the room, he hears the conversation. He comes over to her and says "listen fatty and I MEAN FATTY, I'm sure you're hiding all your stretch marks under that skirt of yours, take a hike bitch"...even though I don't approved of that tone with a girl...he then turns around, finds 2 hottest chicks in the room, comes to them, french kisses one of them then french kisses her friend....long story short, he bangs them both that night.


    The moral of this story is....have your confidence everything else will come together. My friend never had problems being who he is, getting any girl while being NW3-4 in his 20s.



  3. I believe Dr. Alexander does strip only. When I was researching I saw on his site that his was FUE trained under Dr. Feller but I don't believe he was offering FUE at that time (approx 1 year ago).


    If Dr. A is doing FUE now, I would love to see some of his patients results.

  4. Originally posted by Eman:

    Thanks guys for all the great comments!! It is really nice having the head of hair, honestly it feels great! Being able to let it blow in the wind or jump in a pool and having bangs fall on the forehead is an incredible feeling and never having to worry about it.


    I didn't realize that you all would like the quasi-styled wet pictures. As you all can tell I am having a little issue in the styling department. I haven't been to a true hair stylist since...well, I cannot recall. So, I think it may be time to go in to a place that charges me money for a hair cut--I have been cutting my own since college. What do I ask?? How should I style it? What should I use (in terms of product) in my hair? All new to me. I just need to find a time to get in to a stylist.


    Eman, go to any good hair salon (don't go to a barber shop icon_smile.gif ) Walk in and look at fairly younger hair dresser or a person who's hair is styled nice, those are the people who can do wonders for you. Tell them to cut your hair with scissors not just clippers and you want something modern (messy/spiky) look, you will love your new look I am sure of it icon_smile.gif Your hair length at this point is PERFECT for that.

  5. I consider Dr. Alexander as one of the best in the business. Have you searched forums?


    Here are few links with results that I found in about 1 min icon_smile.gif.












    But if you search (use advanced search and select only forums for Patiens results and Doctors Presented results) and you will find tons of them icon_smile.gif

  6. Bill, talk to your webmaster and talk him into moving from ASP to ASP.NET. ASP.NET has better security. Also, if you guys have a way upgrading from Win 2000/2003 server to 2008. IIS in 2008 has a lot better security as well, plus the modular design of IIS 7 will help him remove all "unneeded" features that might potentially have security holes.


    I know it's not going to be done in 1 day but it's definitely worth it. If he needs help, let him contact me and I will help the community icon_smile.gif

  7. trans if you haven't noticed, this community is based on transparency, meaning anything "unnamed" is not going to fly here, sorry for being harsh but that's the way it is.


    It's like me saying, "I heard from a reputable doctors who will remain 'Unknown' that your "pee-pee" will fall off after using concealer too soon." I know it's not the same but you get my drift.

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