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Everything posted by poet

  1. an error with FUE can easily be corrected. (thinness of donor area.) a large painful and unsightly strip scar can often never be fixed. That's just worse case scenario for both. strip scar = mark the beast. 666 stripster
  2. this has been studied and proven.
  3. I would shave it off, unless you have a huge amount of body hair and are willing to do some FUE work. Otherwise you will never have good density with your weak head donor hair and large bald area. I am not 100% anti strip but for you it is clearly not a good choice for further work.
  4. good thing about being shot in the head, is no one ever asks where I got my awful donor scar from. They all assume it was the bullet.
  5. if it's dripping you may want to either use the sprayer. Or apply half. Wait for it to soak in some. Then apply the other half. Should only take a few extra mins.
  6. they came off within 9 days. From FUE
  7. my hair from Dr.Woods is growing fine. I got a FUE transplant from Dr.Jones too, it is too early to judge this, not quite 2 months post op, but some is growing in. I got Woods work 4 months ago. These were on different areas of the head. I was a NW 6. In May of 2003 I would like more FUE work. But just leg hair.
  8. I had a HT almost two months ago. I am continuing to see some hairs shed including the tear drop bulb part at the bottom. If this happens does this mean the graft didn't take, or did some germinal portion of the follicle remain and hopefully will grow after the resting phase?
  9. I started losing my hair around 17, at 20 I was probably a NW 3 almost 4. I went ahead and had a HT by, dun dun dun dun. Yes by Dr.Bernstein. Maybe he learned his lesson from me because I now hear he turns guys down under 25 without blinking. At first my HT looked really good, mixed in with my existing hair, plus I was using rogaine. I actually went back for a second one with Dr.B as I had lost more hair in the following year. So by the end of my 22nd year I had two HTs. For about 4 years I looked excellent, beautiful girlfriend, going out partying. Feeling great. Then for some reason around 26 nearly all the transplanted hair fell out except for some pluggy 4-5 hair grafts in my hairline and I looked like a fool. Whenever it got wet people would ask "Hey did you have a hair transplant?" Also My donor scar had slightly widened and could be seen through my hair. Furthermore my hairloss was progressing to a NW6 and another scar I had in this area was becoming apparent. I went to Dr.Roy Jones of NHI to be evaluated for a FOX test and was rejected but told I could have a scar revision that would yield about 500 grafts which could be used for my crown and head injury scar.(long story) Now I don't know what this guy was smoking because 400 grafts -about 100 for my head injury scar was not even worth doing! To make a long story short, the scar has stretched to nearly an inch wide and is now impossible to conceal. I am 27 years old and girls won't touch me with a ten foot pole. They think I'm funny and nice, but say things like "i will be honest and say that i probably don't have the emotional availability to have a connection with you right now." or some variation of this theme. I wonder if these hair transplant docs would be able to handle sitting alone in an apt for months and months disfigured and without any hope of being intimate with someone again. I would give my left nut to be bald. Yes to have no hair at all and not have to have these hideous scars + a mangled donor area. There are things worse than hairloss and ironically fighting hairloss can lead you to them. There are no easy answers in this industry. The top FUE (no donor scar type of procedure) doc is Dr.Woods in Australia is most likely beyond your financial means but is really the only doctor I can recommend 100% though there are some close second doctors performing FUE and who will one day probably be good choices. Hair transplants have ruined my life. I sit every night posting on hair loss message boards or remembering what is was like to kiss a girl. Sometimes I feel so depressed I can't even get up to eat. Think about it, do you really want to end up in my shoes? I am pursuing various options to climb out of my hell but I don't know when and if it will be possible. All I can really advise you is to read read read. Go to hairlosshelp.com hairlosstalk.com and this site. Read for a good month straight before making any decision whatsoever. [This message was edited by poet on January 04, 2003 at 09:51 PM.] [This message was edited by poet on January 04, 2003 at 09:52 PM.] [This message was edited by poet on January 04, 2003 at 10:42 PM.] [This message was edited by poet on January 04, 2003 at 10:43 PM.]
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