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Steven Gabel, MD, FACS

Elite Coalition Physician
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Posts posted by Steven Gabel, MD, FACS

  1. These are a little late in coming but here is Ken’s 2 month progress update. He had 2,569 grafts placed into the frontal aspect of his scalp and hairline. He has been coming to the office for photos and video so others can follow his experience month by month. At this point, Ken is starting to let his hair grow back in.


    Ken's 2 month videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae2BU920zA4


    At month 1, he shaved his head; at this point in month 2, the transplanted hairs have gone through the shedding cycle.







  2. This patient is a 45 year old gentleman who desired hair restoration to the frontal aspect of the scalp. He had been slowly losing hair since his 20's. He is currently using finasteride and minoxidil.


    He had a hair transplant 6 months ago transplanting 2510 grafts in one session:

    1 hair grafts: 553

    2 hair grafts: 1607

    3 hair grafts: 348

    4 hair grafts: 2


    He is now 6 months out from the transplant and has had tremendous growth of the transplanted hairs. The photographs show the growth from various angles and the video shows the growth close up from the front, the sides and the midsection. All areas are seen close up on the HD video.


    Given that he is only 6 months out from the procedure, he has had fabulous progress and we expect a lot more growth of the hairs that are just starting to grow, and we expect the hairs to gain a considerable amount of thickness to give a much fuller appearance in the next year then he already has. We look forward to presenting his results in one year.










  3. I recommend and give baby shampoo to my patients after surgery. I know it will not hurt the grafts as it is very mild. After doing hair transplants for greater then 10 years, I have never had a problem with growth so I know it is not doing any harm to the newly transplanted grafts.


    I instruct them to use a plastic glass and pour a combination of water/shampoo over their entire scalp. They will allow the water/shampoo combination to rinse the grafted site, and with their finger, gently rub the donor area to remove any blood they may have accumulated.


    They do the pour method for about 5 days, then they can use a low flow/gentle shower to rinse the shampoo out of their hair. If they have a strong shower, then they continue with the pour method for about two weeks.


    After 3 weeks or once they shed, they can then go back to their regular shampoo.

  4. Dr. Lindsey - Excellent explanation.


    It is in the genes 95% of the time- the hairs on the top of everyone's head are programmed to do what they do; either stay, or thin, change color, or atrophy and go away. Clearly, there are outside influences that change this like medical disorders such as thyroid problems, infections, traction alopecia - the list goes on. But, most of the time, it is in the genetic programming that people are born with.


    In my own case, everyone in my family has thick hair, but my hair has gone down the path of male pattern baldness.


    I hope this helps.

  5. Ken - thanks for sharing your experience. We are all looking forward to watching your progress.


    Thank you all for your positive comments. I do feel this will be great for future patients to see the progress one patient has as he goes through this journey. During the consultations with my patients, I discuss the postoperative course; but seeing it with photos and with video is much more instructive then any words I can describe.


    Looking forward to posting the 2 month results.

  6. Ken is now 1 month following his hair transplant. He had 2569 grafts placed into the frontal aspect of his scalp and hairline. He has been coming to the office for photos and video. He wants to show his monthly progress so patients can follow his experience. He stated that he will come start posting on the forums hopefully soon.


    Here are his previous links:



    The Start


    10 days after surgery:


    10 day progress


    Initial Video








    1 month video










  7. Typically, I like my patients to be off tobacco products 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks following a procedure. It is best is they quit all together as the negative overall effects of tobacco products has been well documented.

    In terms of alcohol, I ask my patients to refrain while they are taking the pain medication as mixing narcotics and alcohol is not recommended. If they are off their meds, and would like to have a social drink (ie - a glass of wine, or a beer), I have no problem with that once they are off their meds. If they do drink, they need to be extra careful not to disrupt the graft sites.

  8. We have an interesting case to present - monthly. This patient recently underwent a hair transplant at our center. As seen in the preoperative photos, he had only scant hair in the frontal scalp region, which he desired to fill in.


    This patient was extremely enthusiastic about the whole process and he wanted to have us document it with monthly photographs and video. The video we have in this post is immediately after the procedure. As Ken returns to the office each month, we will be posting his video, photographs, and story so the community can watch his hair growth as it matures.


    His reason for doing this is to tell others what the experience of hair restoration is like. He felt that the procedure itself was much easier then anticipated. He is also going to write up his experience and post separately on the forums. Ken told me he would start that as soon as the video and photographs were first posted.


    We transplanted 2569 grafts in the frontal scalp. The breakdown is as follows:


    1 haired grafts: 620

    2 haired grafts: 1525

    3 haired grafts: 414

    4 haired grafts: 10


    I want to publically thank Ken for doing this. He lives in Portland and will be stopping by the office to shoot video and take photographs each month as his transplanted hairs grow to maturity.




    Steven Gabel, M.D.








  9. This will be a very nice lookinig job when it finishes growing out. One question though, will his scalp always be pinkish? I notice his scalp hasn't returned totally to normal and I've seen that a couple times although rare.


    Thanks for the positive comments.


    In terms of prolonged erythema (pinkness), it varies between person to person. I’ve had some patients that the redness was gone by the time the sutures were out in 7 days; I’ve had others where it lasted several months. I wish I could predict who is going to have longer erythema and who is not, but I explain to patients that it all eventually fades away.

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