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Everything posted by giants

  2. giants


    We have to remember that ling term side effects of propecia have yet to be documented. Those who dont experience side effects now may find themselves in trouble down the road. Who knows but it something to think about.
  3. We have to remember that ling term side effects of propecia have yet to be documented. Those who dont experience side effects now may find themselves in trouble down the road. Who knows but it something to think about.
  4. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/html/RU58841experiment.cfm this is a pretty good site for RU 58841
  5. It's obvious that the only place hair really falls out on a human, is the scalp. What does the rest of the body have that blocks DHT that the scalp doesn't? Our eyebrows are near the scalp yet they do not recede. Also there must be a reason why only the hair on the top of ones head recedes and not the sides or the back. There has to be a key difference between the hair in the back and on the top. Can taking dead DHT and applying it to the scalp cause the hair to become immune? Photosynthesis is what makes grass live. When grass doesn't get sun it dies. When hair falls it is because the roots are not being protected from harmful enzymes. Therefore if we can find some chemical (which I know there are somewhere) that either capsulates the root or protects it, we may have our answer. Blocking the DHT only does so much; we must find a way for the root to either kill or protect itself from DHT. This defense chemical can be applied to the pores of each root, or if taken orally should be able to capsulate it and or fight off harmful enzymes. Stem cells would make the most sense because they could be programmed to simply direct DHT away from the scalp. But we are far away from this. Why blocking DHT is harmful -It decreases testosterone therefore increasing estrogen. This is why DHT needs to be killed not blocked. So what's the solution to hair loss? - Transplant is the only real solution, but they are many things that may help to the point that many may call them successes. Also expect the prices to decrease as hair restoration excels. Further research may include? - Understanding why the hair in the back and sides don't recede. - Creating a way to kill DHT not just block it. - Capsulate the roots of hair. -Vaccinate the hair loss by applying deadened forms of DHT to the scalp so it develops immunity. How would I make my product if I have today's ingredients? - I would use all DHT blockers including Finasteride. - I would add minoxidil topically. - Add a deadened form of DHT topically.
  6. It's obvious that the only place hair really falls out on a human, is the scalp. What does the rest of the body have that blocks DHT that the scalp doesn't? Our eyebrows are near the scalp yet they do not recede. Also there must be a reason why only the hair on the top of ones head recedes and not the sides or the back. There has to be a key difference between the hair in the back and on the top. Can taking dead DHT and applying it to the scalp cause the hair to become immune? Photosynthesis is what makes grass live. When grass doesn't get sun it dies. When hair falls it is because the roots are not being protected from harmful enzymes. Therefore if we can find some chemical (which I know there are somewhere) that either capsulates the root or protects it, we may have our answer. Blocking the DHT only does so much; we must find a way for the root to either kill or protect itself from DHT. This defense chemical can be applied to the pores of each root, or if taken orally should be able to capsulate it and or fight off harmful enzymes. Stem cells would make the most sense because they could be programmed to simply direct DHT away from the scalp. But we are far away from this. Why blocking DHT is harmful -It decreases testosterone therefore increasing estrogen. This is why DHT needs to be killed not blocked. So what's the solution to hair loss? - Transplant is the only real solution, but they are many things that may help to the point that many may call them successes. Also expect the prices to decrease as hair restoration excels. Further research may include? - Understanding why the hair in the back and sides don't recede. - Creating a way to kill DHT not just block it. - Capsulate the roots of hair. -Vaccinate the hair loss by applying deadened forms of DHT to the scalp so it develops immunity. How would I make my product if I have today's ingredients? - I would use all DHT blockers including Finasteride. - I would add minoxidil topically. - Add a deadened form of DHT topically.
  9. #5 whats the difference between 1% and 2% nizoral. And is it applied like normal shampoo
  10. 4 questions # 1: Why is hair loss so slow in developing a cure. Altough it doesnt get much funding the reward for a cure is so huge, youd think many people would be working on it. #2: Have you heard anything about the new protien being developed in massachusetts. #3: 5 years ago there was talk about how hair loss would be cured with such things as hair cloning in 5-10 years. I know hair cloning is still being tested yet they say we are still 5-10 years away from any major hair develpoements. In 5 years will they still be saying 5-10 years? #4: Besides cloning what is the future of hair loss. What is being researched currently. Theank you for the time.
  11. 4 questions # 1: Why is hair loss so slow in developing a cure. Altough it doesnt get much funding the reward for a cure is so huge, youd think many people would be working on it. #2: Have you heard anything about the new protien being developed in massachusetts. #3: 5 years ago there was talk about how hair loss would be cured with such things as hair cloning in 5-10 years. I know hair cloning is still being tested yet they say we are still 5-10 years away from any major hair develpoements. In 5 years will they still be saying 5-10 years? #4: Besides cloning what is the future of hair loss. What is being researched currently. Theank you for the time.
  12. 4 questions # 1: Why is hair loss so slow in developing a cure. Altough it doesnt get much funding the reward for a cure is so huge, youd think many people would be working on it. #2: Have you heard anything about the new protien being developed in massachusetts. #3: 5 years ago there was talk about how hair loss would be cured with such things as hair cloning in 5-10 years. I know hair cloning is still being tested yet they say we are still 5-10 years away from any major hair develpoements. In 5 years will they still be saying 5-10 years? #4: Besides cloning what is the future of hair loss. What is being researched currently. Theank you for the time.
  13. OK dude your going to be 17 years old now. Most importantly theres not point worrying about it and trying to convince yourself whether you are or not going blad. Trust me i used to look in the mirror until i did not feel that I was going bald even though deep inside I knew I was. Youll feel best when your taking action against it. I got on rogaine 5% when I was your age and I wouldnt rule it out if i were you.
  14. I am aware if HT. I diddt mean it that way. All im saying is maby by understanding why the hair doesnt thin on the side we can apply that to why it thins on the top (How does it resist DHT so well? question 2: can applyingdned forms of HDT to the scalp cause the follicls to build up an immunity to it?
  15. its nice to have someone as dedicated as you are for anwsering our questions we really appreciate it.
  16. Its just interesting, maby more studies should be done regarding why the hair on the back and the side are so strong. Maby it could be applied to the top
  17. i started going bald when i was 16 likfe you. Im now 17. I have the same thing you do, recession. In recession one side receeds faster than the other Then The other side starts and catches up. Its like a game of chase, they race eachother to the top. Dude im working like you to prevent worse damage. I am currently on rogaine foam 5%, and saw palmetto, which you can bye ove the counter
  18. Does anyone know why only the hair on the top gets thin and not the sides. Whats the scientific reason. What does the sides have that protects it from DHT
  19. Does anyone know why only the hair on the top gets thin and not the sides. Whats the scientific reason. What does the sides have that protects it from DHT
  20. Im 17 turning 18 in a few months. Im currently taking rogaine foam 5%, and 320 mg of saw palmetto a day. I have typical MPB except that i am only receeding not thinning yet from the back. I has gotten pretty bad. My demotoligst recomended hair max but its not a DHT blocker so theres really no reason to get it. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
  21. Im 17 turning 18 in a few months. Im currently taking rogaine foam 5%, and 320 mg of saw palmetto a day. I have typical MPB except that i am only receeding not thinning yet from the back. I has gotten pretty bad. My demotoligst recomended hair max but its not a DHT blocker so theres really no reason to get it. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
  22. ok dude. I started losing my hair when I was 16. I am now 17. It sucks its tough. Im not going to say learn to deal with it, becasue it sounds like both you and I refuse to let ourselves go bald. I currently take rogaine foam twice a day and 320 mg of saw palmetto( which can be bought over the counter). Dont get too down because you must understand that as we speek the delopement of the hair indursty is excelling. Take it easy kid.
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