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Posts posted by HK500

  1. Posting for a female friend.

    According to what I read females cannot take Finasteride/Dutasteride regardless of being pre or post menauposal, correct?

    Is minoxidil/Rogaine the only approved drug for females?

    With diffused FBP requiring a HT of only a few hundred FU's, would you agree that FUE makes more sense to densily repack the thinning areas?

    Any other options I should know about?

  2. Posting for a female friend.

    According to what I read females cannot take Finasteride/Dutasteride regardless of being pre or post menauposal, correct?

    Is minoxidil/Rogaine the only approved drug for females?

    With diffused FBP requiring a HT of only a few hundred FU's, would you agree that FUE makes more sense to densily repack the thinning areas?

    Any other options I should know about?

  3. I also drove home after both my HT's. They gave me the valium early in the day to relax me so 4 hours later the effects had worn off. I had two rather small HT's with strip method so I knew it would be no problem. Unless you are absolutely sure you can handle it you should play it safe and sleep nearby or have a driver.

    I never needed any painkillers the day of surgery or the day after and after, etc ... Not even a Tylenol. Everybody's different, Bill even took out his own staples with his mechanic's pliers icon_wink.gif

  4. Thanks for the pic.

    I ran a search on the best way to take pictures and all I could find was this:


    but I remember a better one posted, can't find it ...

    In general, no flash because it adds density with the projected hair shadows. Pictures of top, back of head so we can see the donor area, front and sides. You can always blur the face if you wish to remain anonymous.

    The pic you posted is not enough yet to get a sense of your situation.

  5. I do not see any recommended Dr in Colorado unfortunately, you can see a Dermatologist or your general practitioner to get a prescription.

    If you could get Proscar generic that would make it way cheaper than Propecia, with a pill splitter you take 1/4 Proscar pill a day.

    Go to the multimedia site


    and read, research, learn and call a Doc from the list, there are a few good ones in Arizona or anywhere since you'll have to go out of state anyway, they might refer you to a local Doc for your prescription.

  6. While I am not discounting the potential negative side effects of Finasteride, I can relate with Craighair and I recall when I first started using it, I was asking myself if I was going to be sexually affected by it and I was quite preoccupied by the thought. Sure enough at first I thought it did affect me then later I realized that maybe it did not????

    Too much second guessing, it can play tricks on your mind ... And if you think you'll be losing sex drive then you will set yourself up for it, I happened to me at first then I got over it and I can now say that probably it all was in my head ...

    The point I want to make is that Finasteride works so well for most of us it's a shame to not use it unless you are absolutely certain it's affecting you negatively.

  7. A very impressive technique and results. His situation is quite similar to mine but he got it done in one pass with less FU's and it seems he had more surface to cover and densify. That's what I wanted to achieve but I had not found this forum yet. icon_frown.gif Dr. Shapiro truly posesses great skill and vision. I think I'll get a bit more coverage since I'll have a total of over 2,100 FU's but over 2 HT's instead of just one icon_frown.gif but I should get better coverage in the high temporal areas icon_smile.gif I'll have to wait a year to see the final results.

  8. I understand Bill, it's all relative, I agree it looked bad but I knew it was not out of control, when Pat posted Dr. Feller's comments I was of course reassured for Nan and it also confirmed my first impression. I guess I have seen much worse, not when it comes to HT but in other more extreme and uncontrolled conditions so I was not really alarmed .

  9. Dr. Rassman and Nan both were aware that the surgery was going to be more complicated and risky than average. I agree that particularly in this case the Dr. should have erred on the side of caution yet his experience told him he was taking a calculated risk but he also knew he was keeping a bit close to the razor's edge. Unfortunately it went wrong but nowhere close to a disaster, Dr. Rassman and the patient are handling the follow ups and the continued care adequately and logically this will resolve in healthier healing and good final results for the patient.

    I think Dr. Rassman should stay on the Coalition because from his reaction and postings he seems to be the type of professional who can take this kind of setback and turn it into a positive learning experience to improve his judgement in future cases rather than letting his ego cloud his ethical conscience.

  10. Welcome to the forum,

    You posted in the wrong section, you'll get better visibility in the questions and answers area, but it's no big deal. Good thing you are on propecia, stay on it, post pictures of your hair you'll get many recommendations and take your time and read, research and learn from this great forum, check the Coalition surgeons, etc ....

    We are here to help.

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