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Posts posted by HK500

  1. Welcome to the forum,

    NN gave you great advice.

    - Are you taking any kind of Finasteride/Dutasteride or Minoxidil? If so which one, brand, generic?

    - Take pictures of you hair, top, front, back and sides and post them here in the photo album section, you'll get a lot of expert advice. For the best way to take pics go to:



    It sounds like you may be confused between strip and Ultra Refined, we are not understanding your question.


    Research, read, learn as much as you can on this forum and on the Multimedia Hair Loss Learning Center:



    We are looking forward to more of your details so we can be more helpful.

  2. I am trying to remember but I can't, sorry. It must not have been long because I remember not being bothered by waiting for the regrowth. I think it was probably gradual, some went while others were regrowing so there was no period of noticeable hairlessness. I will pay more attention to this as I am going through the paces with this latest HT and I will report here.

  3. Jack,

    I would not worry too much about the new sprouts, as we age our body manufactures hairs in different places.

    It would be fun to meet the gang sometime but as Bill put it absolutely NO handshakes, strictly rubbing elbows. icon_smile.gif

  4. I just called two pharmacies, Costco Pharmacy and CVS Pharmacy (used to be Sav-On) they both told me that generic Propecia is not available, name brand only.

    After a web search I found generic Propecia available in other countries under many different names.

    Is the Patent on Propecia expired?

    If so why are they making the generic version available only in other countries?

  5. Nice Hairbank, very natural and dense hairline, it's so cool to see your pics all together in one place, I kept going from before your first HT to the 2/10/07, WOW!!! Your crown is still growing IMO and as Jotronic was saying it takes longer to fully mature in the crown area, since you are at one year now, you will see further growing in the next 6 months and more.

    Like you I have also been getting more hairgrowth in the frontal hairline thanks to Finasteride.

  6. As Nobuzz put it almost all of us don't care about the scar. It's a small price to pay to have hair on top. If you are into the shaved look then yes, your scar will show but then why get a HT if you want to shave???

    You run a very low risk of complications by going to a recommended or a coalition DR.

  7. I have changed the way I was taking it because in a consult with a coalition surgeon before my recent HT he found some miniaturization in the mid scalp area. Now I take it first thing after I wake up with a large glass of room temperature water. I don't have any food until at least 30 minutes to one hour later. I noticed an improvement after about one month and now I see no more miniaturization. I think it helped but I can't be completely sure. I keep following this schedule.

  8. Welcome to the forum,

    As we tell all new members we'll need your statistics:

    - Age

    - Are you taking any kind of Finasteride/Dutasteride or Minoxidil? If so which one, brand, generic?

    - Take pictures of you hair, top, front, back and sides and post them here in the photo album section, you'll get a lot of expert advice. For the best way to take pics go to:



    - Ask as many questions as you need, we are here to help. Research, read, learn as much as you can on this forum and on the Multimedia Hair Loss Learning Center:



    Don't rush, the more you know, the best choices you'll make. Some members spend months here before reaching their best educated decision.


    - Check members Hair Loss Weblogs to find similar cases to yours and which doctor did their HT and their results.

    - Once you are a bit more familiar with the terminology and the different approaches you can guesstimate your own Norwood scale:



    - You can also play with the graft calculator to get an idea:



    Looking forward to your info.

  9. DD,

    Check my photo album



    The last 4 pics show me less than 48 hrs later. You can see that I only need to let my hair fall on my forehead to hide the HT completely. You won't find pics of people hiding the HT here because we always want to show the quality of the HT work which means revealing the recipient areas for the pictures.

    My second HT was just over 2 weeks ago, I had no pain in the closure of the donor site, never even needed to take one Tylenol.

    Read my Hair blog for all the details, my HT was completely invisible from day one, no one knows I had one to this day ... icon_cool.gif

  10. Hi Dizzy,

    Like my brothers here are saying you must get on Finasteride as soon as you can. Your results are fine, FU means Follicular Unit, the strip is the band of scalp that gets cut out from the back of your head, it contains the follicular units. To learn more of the basics click on the Multimedia Hair Loss Learning Center.

    We are looking forward to be of more assistance to you in the future.

  11. IMO, a double blind independent study is the only way to go. Half the people go in so many times a week and get treated with the real laser brush, the other half gets the non laser brush (without knowing of course) It's the only way to make sure. It's expensive but the manufacturers who trust their products invest in such studies, it was done for Rogaine, Propecia ....

    When they don't do such studies it means to me that they do not want the public to see the results.

  12. Hi Dizzy,

    I just read this thread from the beginning for the first time.

    It's obvious you did not do enough research before going in but don't feel bad I did exactly the same thing ... I only found this forum almost two years after my first HT.

    Your before pictures are not very good since we do not see your back (donor area) and your crown. For the best way to take pictures follow this link and click on taking pictures:



    Your results look fine so far, you won't see the final results until one year has passed for some it's more like 18 months, so hold up any decisions until then.


    I am guessing your situation is very similar to mine, check my hair blog. From your pictures, you look like you could be a Norwood 3, I can't see your crown though.



    Are you on Finasteride?

    How many FU's was your HT?

    Breakdown of single and multiple FU's?


    Your clinic should have all your records.

    Ask as many questions as you need, we are here to help you.

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