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Posts posted by Dewayne

  1. Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

    BeHappy, I wish I didn't get a HT from Feller so what I'm about to say carried even more weight, but you are misinterpreting an opinion and drawing a bogus conclusion. That said, MPB is a dynamic "disease"/"affliction"/"ailment"/"genetic disposition". It affects different people differently. A NW8 w/ a 4k donor will never have a total transformation (most lower NWs won't, either); however, this does not mean that when you take hair from a negligible zone and create hair in the area where the "disease"/"ailment"/etc ***was*** that the MPB is not being cured and that the HT is acting as a cure.


    Also, Feller never said -- and I'd bet my thumbs never will say -- that HTs are a universal ***panacea***, which is where your confusion lies; he has never said and never will say (plz for my thumbs) that HTs are a ***panacea*** where he can take a random person, let alone anyone, and give them a full restoration.


    In part this is semantics, but you are obv taking an aggressive stance vs. someone you have an agenda against and misconstruing words -- intentional, or not. You could replace Feller w/ Dr. Bosley and my stance would be the same though my words would be even stronger.


    Get him, thana. I agree with Feller, that the only real "cure" for being bald is to take hair from the back, non-balding section and place it in the balding part. Some might argue about the true meaning of the word cure, but I'm from Georgia, so what the hell?


    All I know is people don't automatically think "bald guy" when they see me coming. I went back to my old college last week for homecoming, and I promise you a couple people I haven't seen in 20 years said the only difference in me was a little thinning on my crown. A year ago, it would have been "losing your hair">

  2. That's been the comment I've heard most often lately, even though I haven't lost a pound in 10 years.


    Just a while ago, a lady I usually see several times a year kept on at me about what I've done different - if in fact it's not weightloss.


    And that's several over the past few weeks, and I know it's the hair they're not noticing. Oh well, just felt like sharing something....

  3. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    Now how in the world did we miss this post? I guess even I don't come into the "Off-Topic" section of the forum as often as I ought.


    But welcome - even though you are not so new anymore icon_smile.gif.


    By the way, speaking of licenses, I'm FINALLY getting a new license for the first time since I've had hair. I've been haunted by this awful picture for years of my balding head. It's funny when I've actually had to show it to people because many have to take a second look to make sure it's me. I even had a few comments like "This doesn't look like you". Thank God icon_smile.gif.


    Next Tuesday I get my new license photo! Woo Hoo! icon_biggrin.gif




    I'm thinking of replacing all of the family photos in my home with some new shots, as I look pretty bald in some the past few years.


    The ones of me at the beginning, in my 20's, are pretty solid looking but I'm taking the whole bunch for some updates at the first of the year.

  4. I agree with the guys above. It's not sudden, for sure, but you sort of stop thinking about hair all the time. It's great, though. But, I don't think when I walk in a room how good my head looks now, or anything like that. It's more of a non-issue - sort of like it was in your 20's.


    I think I've started noticing people looking at me differently though, but maybe it's just more confidence.

  5. Originally posted by shouldIdoit:



    I would certainly be willing to drive down to you.....do you think we could hook up sometime next week? I'd like to see Cooleys work before my consult on the 24th.


    You're certainly welcome. I have a business here and a fairly flexible schedule. Just P.M. me if you decide to and I'll give you my number. Also, if I were you I'd try to work out seeing 'yourcoach', as he's about two months out from a mega session. I'll be at 8 months on Nov. 23.

  6. 1. I'm not sure about the supplements, but those are good for your health for sure.


    2. Correct. Try to get a prescription from your family doc for Proscar. It is finasteride at 5 mg. You should cut the pill into 1/3's and take M-W-F. Proscar is much, much cheaper that Propecia and the only differences are the name and the dose. Propecia is 1mg finasteride.

    I like the Rogaine Foam, which you can buy at rogaine.com or Walmart. I think it's a little cheaper online, about $58 for a 4-pack (4 month supply). Whereas Walmart sells a 3-pack for about $48. Give this a year to see if it works. Best to make some pics now and check your progress at 1 year. A lot of guys quit and then suddenly get thinner, because they didn't think it had worked. Better to have pics to compare.


    3. See above. Go with the 5%. It's a bargain now compared to when I took it briefly back in 1988 (about $140 per month when adjusted for inflation).


    4. Yes, but my family doc gave me 3 years worth of refills just last week. They all know about it. Some guys get insurance to take care of it. For me, it's about $80 for a 3 month supply.


    5. These three are recommended, but I haven't seen a lot of their work.... http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physicia...list.asp?StateAbr=TX


    Dr. Alexander in Arizona is solid as well.

  7. Originally posted by stamos:

    Thanks for your advices Dr. Lindsay.


    I live in Greece and its difficult to visit you, I hope I can have similar results in Europe.




    Research on here and other sites daily and you'll know a lot in about a month. I didn't go for an in-person consult before my surgery, but I felt I had learned enough to know what to expect. I did a consult with three or four clinics over the phone while we both looked at my pictures. I can assure you these clinics have seen similar situations. You won't be unique, believe me.


    Did you check out the link to the doctor in Athens? I think you can get a great result in Europe, but I still wouldn't limit my options. What's a $1,000 when we're talking about the rest of your life? A lot of the clinics in Canada and the U.S. give travel discounts or credits as well.


    But again, I think you can get good results in Europe but make sure the clinics are vetted on here and other forums.

  8. Originally posted by shouldIdoit:

    I'll be meeting with Dr. Cooley in 2 weeks and would love to meet any of his patients in person to see the post op results.


    I'm in Charlotte and would be willing to drive to you to see the good Dr.s work.


    Thanks in advance


    I'm about 40 miles north of Atlanta. I think the poster "yourcoach" is in Atlanta as well. I'm also going to try and get back to Dr. Cooley for a checkup in late December, but can't make any guarantees.


    But, I'll be happy to let you look at my head. And I've read yourcoach's offer for anyone to look at his. He's about 2 months out from a 'mega-session' I think of over 4,000 grafts.

  9. Originally posted by Ja-Man:



    You must be very pleased with your results so far. Really big difference from 5 months to 7 months! Surely much more thickening/growth to come! Please keep us updated and try taking pics in a variety of lighting conditions if you can, in the future. Thanks!


    You know, this picture taking thing isn't my cup of tea, but I'm going to try and get better. I have a relatively cheap digital camera that I've 'misplaced', so I took these with my video camera - which is a pretty good video camera but not all that good for stills.


    Who was it that wrote the excellent blog about picture taking? Remember the one where he held up the candle as lighting? Maybe I'll check that out.

  10. Originally posted by mmhce:

    So you did not have surgery the same day as the consultation.


    Don't you need some time for the surgeon to examine your scalp and hair, for donor hair and follicular density, scalp laxity, etc, and do some tests before doing the surgery?


    Doesn't this take up time and thus making it difficult to do the surgery right after consultation, because the doctor is still waiting on results from the lab?


    What might be the most imperative questions to ask the doctor during the personal consultation, having asked almost all the questions one could think of before?


    I emailed my pics, did a phone consult the week before, and then an in-person consult at 7 a.m. By 7:30 he was taking out the donor.


    I'm not aware of any lab tests.


    Ideally, I would think the afternoon before would be the best consult time. But, with a pro I think they can size you up pretty quickly. I had researched so much that I knew just about everything I needed, and the only question was to dense pack the front 1/3, or spread it over my whole head. We went with the top 2/3.

  11. My doctor took the first row of old plugs out, as well as three "rows" the previous doctor had put into my crown. I was amazed looking at it in Dr. Cooley's office, that the doc in 1991 had put the exact same line pattern all the way back on my head.


    He took those out, and cut them into one hair follicles and then replanted them and that made a big difference.


    I don't see your donor area as being all that limited, and definitely think you could be fixed up pretty good.


    Check out this doctor, who has an office right there in Athens. http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/doctors.asp?DrID=56

  12. Originally posted by stamos:

    Mike thanks for straight forward reply.


    Stimpy thanks, I know NOW that the most important is to find a competent doc, thats why I posted here.


    Dewayne, thanks for bring me hope man.

    Although I still have a thinning crown, I'm certain my transplant is undetectable.


    That would be like a dream to me (undetectable). Is this really possible?


    You write in your blog

    Shave it and forget about it if you've got a good looking head! It's sort of in style now, but it wasn't back in 1990 when I got some minigrafts. Keep your body in shape, as that's what does it for most women. It took me 40 years to realize that.


    Now for me it is too late to do that? I mean the scar will be visible if I shave my head, right? Or can I hide it with plastic surgery and save it for all my life?


    That was the problem for me, as my scar and plugs would have been noticeable had I shaved it. Keep in mind, though, I wrote that weblog 10 months ago before I had the repair. I feel different now for sure, but if a guy can deal with a shaved head then I believe that's the best way to go. I have a lot of colleagues who look great bald, but I could just never bring myself to it and couldn't pull it off.


    From looking at your pics, I think even a small session of 1500 or so would make a world of difference. But, you can definitely improve things.

  13. Originally posted by Chuckisduck:

    I went to Texas Tech, and am very happy about them this year. I was at the UT/Tech game and am flying to Dallas for the OU/TTU game in two weeks! GO TECH!




    Although I graduated from another college in Alabama, I've been a fan of Alabama football since I was about five years old (1972 or so). I would like for TT to make it to play us, but as long as Bama makes it I'm soooo happy. It's been a while for us.


    Better get your guns ready if you play us! Do you think Leach will go to Tennessee? I've heard a little of that down here.

  14. stamos,


    This is your lucky day, because someone (me) has read this and had exactly the same problem and similar circumstances! Although I'm not Greek (I'm Alabamian....), I've had a lot of the old plugs removed and replaced with a very natural look.


    You can check my blog, but yes you can definitely expect great improvement and your old plugs can be either recycled or blended in with FU's for a thicker, more natural looking head of hair.


    Send some pics to those guys Mike recommended. I'm so happy walking around now without having to hide an old plug job. Although I still have a thinning crown, I'm certain my transplant is undetectable.

  15. Seriously though, that would be a good issue for one of the hair transplant associations to lobby for. Like someone mentioned before, you could save that money pre-tax, therefore it would take you about 1/3 less time to save up for a procedure.


    Maybe now since Biden is the VP, he could help us all out seeing how he's had a couple of procedures at least.

  16. That's an excellent question. If someone was twisting my arm for an answer I would say yes. The reason I would say that is I believe my wife used some of that for some plastic surgery on her eyes.


    I've also heard the lasik surgery can be done with those funds too, and I know chiropractic care is covered.


    You should call a couple of the clinics to be sure.

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