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Posts posted by Dewayne

  1. Originally posted by shouldIdoit:

    Thanks all for the feedback. Just when I thought I felt ready to reach out and make a few appointments, something inside has caused me to think about not moving forward. I've been looking at the pics on Dr. Cooley and Dr. Wongs respective sites, and it's just hard for me to understand how someone like myself (who is in stage 5 hair loss) can actually get a "full head of hair" again. When looking at the relatively small donor area, it's hard to believe that little bit of hair can successfully be transplanted into my expansive dome and give me a natural looking head of hair. From looking at the pics on the Dr's sites it looks to me that most of the guys who are in my stage of hair loss don't have such natural looking, full heads of hair and many have grown their hair long to "fill in the open spots".


    Maybe it's normal to have such reservations, and obviously I'm thinking (and sharing the reservations) out loud here....


    Carl, I read your blog and appreciate the "full disclosure" commentary regarding the pain you were feeling at the 12 day mark....have you entirely overcome the pain you were feeling?


    You should post some pics and get some feed back on here. I know Carl probably hasn't grown a new hair yet, but 4900 grafts is a heck of a large transplant. Check this guy out, whom I emailed with a couple of times. He was a 5.....



  2. Originally posted by Brando:

    Steve, you can search under Brando and read my experience. However, Dr. Cooley told me that since my procedure in 2004, he's changed the way he "sews" up the donor area. My scar is noticable if I get a haircut with a number 2 guard. You can tell that no hair grows on the scar. Dr. Cooley told me that now he somehow pulls hair over the scar so it's less likely to notice. He told me if I have another procedure, he can actually make the scar look better rather than worse with the 2nd procedure. Dr. Cooley's clinic has a great atmosphere and if you have an experience like mine, you'll be very happy. Good luck and let me know how it goes.


    Yea, alot of the top clinics changed to the Tricho closure, which is what Dr. Cooley did on my 'scar'. And, I can tell you it's undetectable. I don't shave my head, but when I run a comb up my head in the back it can't be seen.




    I'll try and post some pics this weekend. As smart as I am, for some reason that process of taking pictures and posting them on here is not one of my best traits..... icon_biggrin.gif


    Must be my general buzyness / laziness.

  3. Originally posted by steve3641:

    I am considering having a procedure with Dr. Cooley in Charlotte,NC and would like to hear about some patients experiences and results?




    I'm seven months out and pretty dang happy. I wish I would've / could've sprung for about 1,000 more grafts for my crown, but maybe in a year or so.


    But, my experience with Dr. Cooley was exceptional, and my results so far look very, very natural. I'd doubt anyone would know I've had a transplant, and that was my #1 goal after walking around for 15 years with a pluggy look about my hairline and crown.


    I found the whole experience pleasant, and those folks are all business and Dr. Cooley himself seems quite the perfectionist. The pain was non-existent compared to the trauma of the 300 (or less) plugs I had in 1991. I was sleeping upright and hurting, swollen for three nights back then.

  4. My family doc wrote me one last week, with 11 refills. That's over three years worth! Dr. Cooley recommended taking it in 1/3's, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Have you asked your family doc?


    Screw those dermatologists. They think theres is the most important medicine of all I think.

    My son has an appointment with one here tomorrow, after a two month waiting list.

  5. I had these two (or three if you don't count H&W as one....) in my top three or four as well. To be honest, I got it down to six very excellent clinics that I thought were just about equal and finally decided to go with Dr. Cooley based on cost and convenience.


    I know, I know, those aren't supposed to be in anyones top reasons; but in my view if you get it down four or five that are in anyone's top 10 list.....there's not a whole lot of difference.


    Charlotte is but a four hour drive, and the cost for 2500 grafts was a mere $9,000 (pre-paid with certified funds = 10% discount). Dr. Wong is a master, for sure, but that difference was what I used in my decision making process.


    I will say though, I drove past a coalition doctor's office on the way to Charlotte because he didn't end up in my top 5.


    At the time, I thought it best to not go 'mega' session all at once. However, I can tell you now I wish I'd asked for another 1,000 grafts for my crown. As good as I feel about the whole experience, I've still got a bald spot. And I thought I'd be fine with that but now I'd like to turn back the clock a few more years and get some grafts there. I'll probably go back in a year to get 1,500 or so in the crown.


    Are you on the coast? I lived in Wilmington for a while back in '02 - '04.

  6. Originally posted by botchedinatl:

    it seems to me that posters dissapear from this site because they are unhappy with their decision and when they make a post about it their posts are removed and they are banned. just my observation.




    How could it possibly seem to you that is the case? Have you spoken with any of them?


    I can tell you fellows, as the hair starts growing in and one becomes his old self; it gets less and less interesting. I admire those who stay around with a nice looking head of hair, but some of us spend so much time here initially, it just becomes necessary to move on to something else that will deprive us of our work productivity throughout the day... icon_biggrin.gif


    I am finding myself posting less, for mostly that reason. And, another fact is that after several months generally a lot of the same questions and topics repeat themselves; because there are always new people online.

  7. Originally posted by mochi:

    anyone have an idea of what the average cost would be for about 1500 grafts? Does it vary by state, I live in CA.


    Also, what are some other costs that are tacked onto the procedure. Do estimates include any kits or medications?




    I'm certain it varies, but I would estimate a 1500 graft session, which nowadays would be considered small to medium I suppose, would be about $6 - 8,000. As you go up in graft count, the "price per graft" will tend to go down.


    Keep in mind a clinic might do one procedure a day, so you could get a better value by stepping up to 2500 or so, probably. There was a recent post from Dr. Reed and Dr. Carman detailing their price structure so that might help. They are in LaJolla, CA.


    Some do charge extra for other parts of the process, but I think most just charge a flat fee.

  8. Another thing you can do is use the "Search Our Forum" button above and type in his name. There have been some posts about him in the past, but I didn't see anything definitive one way or another.


    One thing I'd look at though, is if you see a glowing post about him or any other doctor be a little skeptical unless you get much more feedback. I was overwhelmed with positive reviews of my top six choices, so I started emailing those guys who don't really post anymore because they've got hair and moved on; and then made a decision based on that feedback plus distance, cost, etc.


    It's not unusual to see a very positive post about a clinic, yet look closer and find the one doing the posting has only made two or three posts. All I'm saying is sometimes take that with a grain of salt, as it could be his wife posting it for all we know.

  9. Originally posted by HTinthefuture:

    bad bad advice....tell that to my wife who is down 18% on her 'managed fund', while I am still holding on to mine and making money because I made changes before the market did, before major funds can react. Her advisor could care less really, which was the same attitude mine had in 2000 when the funds he sold me for huge fee kickbacks fell off a cliff. Not painting with the same brush, just the same color (green for greed)

    yeah, there are opportunites right now, but the other shoe still needs to drop, and it is only a matter of time before the currency markets come to what is left of their senses and the dollar resumes its downtrend. are you advising your clients on these oportunities? I am pretty sure what the answer to that is.


    in your opinion, are we in a recession? because the majority of analyists say we are 8 months after we actually entered one, and admit we are out of the woods about a year after the business and stock cycles have reversed.


    Gold is not doing so well, despite the dispare times, for reasons you must know, but the majority of investors wont be enlightened to.

    this housing crisis is differnt than the one in the 80s as credit has dried up. Rates were left too low for too long, and the last decade has been built on borrowed money and debt. IF the banks dont use their new funding to facilitate lending, instead of buying up weaker rivals, there will be more trouble.

    anyway, nothing you dont know already...


    Sounds like the same thing they were saying right before the depression of 1992.....


    If you don't believe me, check out a copy of Time magazine from that year - I can't remember the exact month, but it's got an apple cart from the 30's on the cover. This month's (2008) has a soup kitchen on the front.


    Sorry, but I'm out of this debate; as there will always be people who aren't successful at investing. It's funny to me how the S&P averaged over 12% per year for the WHOLE 20th century yet everyone didn't make money. Why? Most people sell their good, quality investments based on external factors that make them feel bad. And they usually won't buy unless they feel good. Buy high and sell low.

  10. Originally posted by Reptile:

    Thanks for the info, just one more question for my understanding, some doctors say 2500 grafts (or Follicular Units) while some say 4000+ grafts or (Follicular Units), now my question is when a strip is taken out from the back then the same should amount of grafts should come out from the strip no? The doctor taking out 2500 grafts told me that no one can really give 4000+ FU's in one sitting. So does that mean the doctors that are saying they can take out 4000+ FU's in one sitting are actually taking 2500 or so and splitting them up in a lot of 1 hair grafts to increase the graft size? I'm not too knowledgeable in this area so please share what you know.




    I actually know something about this, as your post sounds like what I was going through about eight months ago. I've read and studied this, and here is my opinion based on what I've read:


    1. Your doctor is not being completely honest if he says nobody is getting 4000. Drs. Wong and Hassan do. I don't doubt at all that some clinics cut them up, but there are clinics who do true mega sessions. Dr. Feller, Dr. Cooley, and several others I'm sure do megas. H&W probably do the most and thus have become experts.


    2. There are definitely differing philosohies on the effective yields in a 2500 graft session vs. a 4500 graft session. Some clinics estimate the yields on a 'mega' session might be 97% or so vs. 99% on the 'standard' 2500 graft session.


    3. Some good clinics just aren't staffed for mega sessions. I mean, if you only do one a month why keep doing them and keeping an extra two or three technicians around?


    4. Some good clinics think it is safer, and actually better to do two 2500 graft sessions over a year or more period than to try for one session at 4500 or 5000.


    It is not simply better, no matter what, to get one surgery. If you're interested in that, I would study this issue on here and the other sites and then decide if it's for you.


    On the other hand, a one and done hair transplant would definitely be a plus. I got a quote from H&W for 4000, but opted for the 2500 for a couple of reasons; one, at the time I worried about going from real thin to normal in eight months and be known all over town as the guy who magically appeared with hair. I'm in a business where I do a lot of photo stuff and advertising so I was a little worried about that. Secondly, $9500 is not as much as $16000. I wanted to pay cash, and I couldn't make myself commit that much so that's how I compromised with myself. Plus, I had to get my wife an eye job, and promise her a boob job just to get my transplant.


    But, your case is all that matters. And, judging from your head you will need a lot of grafts so I'd go for about 3500 in the first round if you can afford it. Go to someone good, like the ones I've mentioned and some others, if you can afford it. It'll be about $12,000 - 14,000 to get that many.

  11. Originally posted by Reptile:

    Hi guys,

    yeah I started both Minoxidil 5% and Proscar last week. So I guess 2500 grafts should not be the best to go for, perhaps I should try another doctor who said around 3500-4000 grafts, the only thing I'm afraid is that they will take the same 2500 grafts and just split it up into some 2's and 3's but mostly 1's for coverage. Would that be the best way?



    I'd call Jotronic and have him let Dr. Hassan look at your photos. Maybe one session of 4,000 and then another one of 2500 or so in a year or two.

  12. I see great looking bald guys all the time. My father happens to be one, but I'm like Bill in that it's not in my general make-up to shave my head.


    If I could slim up just a little, 15 pounds or so, I think I might try a buzz cut. But, everytime I get serious with cardio I end up injured. Right now, my knee's hurting for the past six weeks due to a weekly basketball game I've started. Going to the ortho. doc next Tuesday.

  13. botched,


    If you are in Atlanta, you should go for a free consult with Dr. Griffin. He's on the north end of town off 285. While doing my research, I saw some very nice repair jobs he did with low numbers of grafts.


    I had the first "row" of my hairline removed and it's made a world of difference in my looks and confidence.


    Also, right up 85 to Charlotte is Dr. Cooley so both of those are within driving distance and neither charge just to look at you and give an opinion.

  14. Originally posted by botchedinatl:

    im sorry for coming off so angry but the whole hairtransplant thing has been a nightmare for me and i wish everyday that i had never done it. bosley has ruined my life and at this point i dont know what to do. the whole thing just seems hopeless and i dont want to live the rest of my life like this. i called the bosley office and spoke with the doctor[doctor lorenz] and also spoke with the used car salesman that does the consultations and they both said they didnt really know what to do . they said the results i got were normal. so here i am 2700 grafts and $13,000 dollars later and my life is in shambles. i just wish i could have these things removed .i was much happier before




    If you're in Atlanta you should go see Dr. Griffin to get a free consultation. I've seen some pics from posters on here who've had incredible repair work done with a low number of grafts.

  15. Originally posted by fhsmith:


    Try the Super Hair Energizer shampoo. Just follow the link below.




    I, as you, had very dry blond hair. Within a few applications, my dryness problem disappeared. The cost of the product is very reasonable.


    Best of luck.






    I looked at your weblog and you definitely look better, even though the pics look like my skill level as they are pretty blurry.


    I too had a 300 graft transplant with Dr. Shory of Latham's Hair Clinic back in 1991. I must admit though it seems like I had it done in 1881 compared to the recent procedure I had. Also, I had a lot of swelling and pain after the procedure.


    But, I'm glad you're happy and maybe Dr. Shory's practice has evolved. But, I noticed you had up to 6 hair grafts implanted; which is generally unheard of nowadays.

  16. I sent my pictures to Dr. Cooley; as I was at the 6.5 month post op. And I asked the question that gets brought up here a lot and that is: How much, percentage wise, of the final result have I achieved? While individual characteristics are most important, here is how he responded with MY interpretation...


    At 6 - 7 months, the "typical" patient has seen about 50% of the final result. The range, however, is more like 25% - 75%. The fast growers might have 75% of the final result at this point while a slow grower might have 25% of final results.


    I thought that interesting, as my mind works sort of in relation to statistics, percentages, etc.

  17. I sent my pictures to Dr. Cooley; as I was at the 6.5 month post op. And I asked the question that gets brought up here a lot and that is: How much, percentage wise, of the final result have I achieved? While individual characteristics are most important, here is how he responded with MY interpretation...


    At 6 - 7 months, the "typical" patient has seen about 50% of the final result. The range, however, is more like 25% - 75%. The fast growers might have 75% of the final result at this point while a slow grower might have 25% of final results.


    I thought that interesting, as my mind works sort of in relation to statistics, percentages, etc.

  18. Originally posted by HTinthefuture:

    I will put mine off longer, but only to save.


    regarding the market and brokers. I feel sorry for the average joe loosing his life savings, but you wont get much love from me for brokers. A major (billions) well respected brokerage lost my nest egg in a flash (when I was green in regards to investing) by putting my money in risky markets right before the dot com crash. It ruined my life at the time. I built it back and more on my own using my own determination, research, and common sense. I was greedy when others were panicking, panicking when others are greedy....the exact opposite advice 99% of brokers will give you who are for the most part following the herd, but the precise way the richest man in the world made his money.

    My best friend is a broker. his bonuses used to equal 3 months pay for me, and I make a decent salary. He has a huge house, a BMW, porsche, several old valuable cars, and that is just his posessions. Yet his clients are not rich, nor will they ever be. They are all loosing money, yet he will most likley still receive a bonus this year. There is something terribly wrong with that.

    This whole mess will be a lesson for everyone, one that I learned in 2001.

    If it looks to good to be true, it is.

    If it looks a lot like a bubble, it is (If I had listened to my real estate broker my house would still be up for sale)

    The only person who has your best interests in mind regarding your finances is you.

    Investing is not the rocket science that these 'professionals' make it out to be. Sure you need a licence to take other peoples money and invest it, but you dont to invest your own money. You can learn more and be smarter than most of these professionals by spending the hours reading and researching on you own.

    my rant of the day....




    I went to this dentist for 10 years, and every six months it seemed I had a cavity. At one point I said "the hell with this, I'll go back when it starts hurting...." Well, I didn't go to the dentist for five more years and then changed dentists, yet didn't have another cavity for five years or so. And since, I've only had one and have repaired some I got as a teenager.


    So, there are crooks in every profession.


    Your advice is bad, bad. It is very important when choosing a financial advisor to get a good one, but you have painted them all with a wide brush and if anyone listens they will most likely be missing out.


    Is every dentist bad? Every chiropractor? Real Estate agent?


    You're right, investing is not rocket science but I've got a degree in finance, Series 7, 63, 6, insurance licenses, 10 years experience, 500 or more clients who say they would refer me (82% by our last JD Power survey of MY office), and a spotless record of compliance. But, that's of no value?


    Long term investments in American companies right now offer some spectacular values, and there has been no other means or investment in the history of the world that has provided similar performance. But, there are rules that have to be followed. Truth is, most do it yourselfers are getting killed right now, and there is a lot of difference in being down 10 - 15% compared to being down 40%. Most don't realize the true difference in the long term effect of those two percentages, either.

  19. Originally posted by Stimpson:

    One other thing about economic down times, and nobody ever mentions this, but economic downtimes tend to be a very good buying oppurtunity, whether talking about stocks or real estate or whatever. My opinion right now is BUY BUY BUY. If we become a socialist state, it will be nothing lost because we will all be peasants with nothing anyway (except for the liberal nobility).

    - Stimson




    Call me.... icon_wink.gif


    I hear you. I talk about it everyday. Problem is for most of us, and I've been a broker for a long time, is it seemed like a real buying opportunity three months ago as well.....


    "Investing is simple. It's not easy."

    -Warren Buffet

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