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One Month Post Op



So i just finished uploading pics from week 3 and today (week4)..

I knew i'd get to a point that would be difficult where I would see the hair be a little worse than where i started. I think that that time is now. . While i'm only one month post op I've shed most of the hairs from the follicles and I continue to shed native hairs. While it's not handfuls it's still annoying to see hairs both long and short in your hand when you shampoo. At what point does all of that stop happening. Plus I've been on propecia for about 2.5 months now. I wish i knew if it were working. I guess only time will tell. One thing i will say is that i'm really glad no one noticed that i did anything. Only my closest of friends knew what was up. everyone else is none the wiser. I wonder if my co-workers will say anything when the hairs start to grow...It might be a little obvious.

So i've gone over my picture limit.

But you can still see my pictures from week 3 and 4 on my HT Website.

Click: Here


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  • Senior Member



Thank you for keeping us updated. You're definitely at a difficult stage right now, but I think it's a safe bet that the Propecia will be helpful in the long run. It normally takes around 3-4 months for the shedding period to stop and around 6 months before you can tell how the finasteride/Propecia is working. In most cases, it's very helpful for maintaining native hairs, and I think it's a good idea for you to stay on it! Good luck!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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U ain't kidding. I have mentally prepared myself for this phase. However, being prepared mentally and actually experiencing can still be painful. B4 i started propecia and did the HT i never really noticed any hairs in my hands. Just the receding hairline and the hair in the shower drain. Also could have been b/c i wasn't looking. However seeing all the hairs in my hands now each time i shower is painful. Plus i now have a developing baldspot near my crown which i didn't have b4. i hope that once this shedding phase stops that the balding spot will fill back in! Should that stop in the next month or so? I'm still only about 2.5 months in on the propecia and now 5 weeks post-op on my HT

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  • Senior Member

Sounds rough, but remember that you're definitely in a difficult stage and it will get better/be worth it in the end. Good luck, and let me know if there is anything I can help with in the mean time!


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

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