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Day 8

Not much change in the photos. The scabs are largely intact. Today was the first day I have used any sort of massaging on the recipient area when shampooing, but it still didn't shift many of the scabs, so maybe I need to use a bit more force. Still getting a bit of soreness from the donor area, chiefly when I lie on it. The soreness seems to be more pronounced in one point on the right side. I emailed the clinic about it, but they said not to worry and to check with the doctor who is taking o



Day 3

Some more photos, showing the results of my HT three days ago. Front Top Crown / Vertex Back (it was very difficult to take a photo where the donor area scar was visible - you can just about see it in this one)



Consultation and operation

Consultation I travelled to Istanbul four days before the operation (Sunday 30 May), as I wanted to combine the HT with a look round a city I'd always been keen to visit. I highly recommend it, particularly a hammam the day before to help provide a relaxed, restful sleep. I was picked up from the airport by a very friendly driver from Transmed, who would also ferry me to and from my hotel for the consultation and operation, as well as dropping me back at the airport for my return flight.




I am 38, and I've been losing my hair since my early 20s. I'm currently about a Norwood III, progressing towards a Norwood IV A. My father was a Norwood VI / VII by his 50s, and I'm pretty certain I would end up that way too.         After making no headway with various pills and potions (see profile), I began researching HTs extensively. I concluded that this site was the most comprehensive and objective on the web.   Based on the positive experiences on here, I decided I wo



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