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Don't worry, you don't look that silly

Well if waking up like elephant man yesterday wasn’t bad enough, today I had swelling around the eyes that made me look like I had lost in the first round to Mike Tyson. This was especially annoying as I had religiously woke up on two occasions overnight, taken the prescribed painkillers and applied a cold pack for a good 15-minutes. I high-tailed it to Dr Pong’s to be there at 8:30am to try and get some answers, but as I arrived I saw another guy in the waiting room who was so swollen he look



Keep on the headband

It’s been three full days since my HT and apart from the expected pain from the donor site and the constant feeling that your skin no longer fits your head, everything had been going well. That was until last night (third night since op). I woke at least every two hours with significant pain from the donor site. I had used up nearly all the painkillers Dr Pong had given me and even popped a few Ibuprofen to try and numb the pain. It felt as though the swelling was getting to the point where the



HT with Dr Pong in Chiang Mai

I had a smaller HT carried by Dr Knudsen in Sydney about six years ago. At that time I had a little over 1600 grafts to increase my hairline. I was quite happy with the results, but as expected the hair behind this area continued to disappear and I knew that I would have to either shave the lot off, or get a second HT to ‘fill’ in behind. The original procedure cost almost AU$10,000, and as I am now married with a young son I couldn’t justify spending this kind of money for such a small number o



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