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I just started using it myself two weeks ago. My doctor recommended that I only use it Mon-Wed-Fri. He told me that the Prpecia stays in your system so long that this should work well.. and help it be cost effective.

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I just started using it myself two weeks ago. My doctor recommended that I only use it Mon-Wed-Fri. He told me that the Prpecia stays in your system so long that this should work well.. and help it be cost effective.

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I know that if you miss a dosage, it is recomended that you just wait till the next day and continue the normal 1mg a day dose. Why? Because your body won't build up enough DHT in just one day to make a difference. However, if you're just starting, I think taking it every day would be best. You need to lower DHT levels and keep it low for a while for your hair to recover. Perhaps months from now an every-other-day routine would be fine, but for now I'd say take it everyday. But that's just me. Good luck!

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The fact of the matter is that the best dose for each individual varies. You just have to experiment a bit.

The half life of Propecia (finasteride) is two weeks.

I usually take 1.25mg of finasteride a day. Occasionally I miss a dose, and I'm fine.



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