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Rashes & itichy skin on face & ears after using Rogaine Foam


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I started using Rogaine Foam about 6 weeks ago (I apply it once in the morning & once in the night before I sleep).


For the past 3+ weeks, I have noticed an increasing number of rashes on my face (and ears), and the ear lobes have been especially itchy. I stopped using Rogaine for the past week or so, and the rashes/itching have completely stopped.


I have read that an itchy scalp is one the side effects of Rogaine. But, has anyone else had itchy ears/facial-skin after using Rogaine? Could it because I applied it just before sleep --- my ears/face could have come in contact with Rogain when i slept?


Any help/info is highly appreciated.This is my first experience with any hair loss treatment, and I really would like to try Rogaine for at least 3 months before I give up.

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The itching Rogaine say can happen is because Minoxidil has to be dissolved in alcohol, so it dries the scalp causing itching, and often dandruff.


However what you seem to be having is a reaction, some type of allergy to one of the ingredients possibly? The inflammation will not do you any good, so stop using the foam. There are other versions of Minoxdil, check and find one that doesn't have all the same ingredients, and see if it works better.


Appreciate the need to keep going for at least 3 months, it's an uphhill struggle but keep at it! I hope it pays off for you (and you find something you're not allergic to)

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