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when should growth come in on multiple procedures??

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Hi Tkerr22,


I can't speak from experience on a 3rd HT, but I've definately heard from just about everybody, including my 2nd HT doc that a 3rd HT can take a bit longer to come in. You are only one month ahead of me, I'm 3 months 2nd HT, and I can tell you that I'm a bit of a slower starter on my 2nd HT than my first....though there is some growth that has come in, but each person is different. As far as how many months, I couldn't tell you because everyone is different. I know there is a few people on this board who would be better to answer this question than me with experience in this area....but I've definately heard it can take longer. Being that you are only at 4 months and feel some stubble, it seems that you are on your way. You have any pics of your before 3rd HT and now? I find it helps to take pictures at least once a month, but I tend to do once a week, so I can compare to see if I notice any visual difference is pics. When I'm looking in the mirror every day, I'd say I don't really notice any difference day to day....but when I compare pictures, I realize...oh wow....hair did actually come in. If you have thicker hair, it may be more difficult to see the growth at all and only pictures will tell you. Hang in there brother....your hair will come in.



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I'm sorry to see that no others have posted on this. I think tkerr22 could use some encouragement for those who have had that many HTs.




I have noticed that in general, though some hairs have started to sprout at the same time, now that I'm 3.5 months post op, it seems that there was more growth that took place by this time on my first HT. I'm still experiencing new growth and thickening, just more slowly it seems.



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Hey Tkerr, I'm waiting on the results of my 4th procedure now. November 29 makes 3 full months. It seems to be taking a little longer this time around. But then again, I've always been an early bloomer with the grafts starting to grow around the 1 and a half to 2 month mark.


But I'd have to say that on all my procedures, I really did'nt start to see a significant impact till around the 4 month mark. The waiting on this procedure is agonizingly slow, especially because shockloss was an issue. It just about took me back to my pre-transplant appearance. Thank God though I think I'm starting to turn the corner. The grafts that are already coming are helping to fill in the thin spots. I'm starting to get excited now.


Just hang in there and try not to stress about it. I know it's easy to have those thoughts like, "Is it going to work this time? What if something went wrong?" But it's just a matter of time and patience. I can see now that everything is on track.

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