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Who is the best transplant surgeon at the most reasonable price?


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I am trying to cut through the mountain of information on hair transplant surgeons.Ultimately, we all want the best transplant done at the least expensive price. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had a transplant done at least one year ago and who feels the transplant was done correctly and that the price was modest. The date of the procedure, the name of the doctor,the number of grafts and the price would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I am trying to cut through the mountain of information on hair transplant surgeons.Ultimately, we all want the best transplant done at the least expensive price. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had a transplant done at least one year ago and who feels the transplant was done correctly and that the price was modest. The date of the procedure, the name of the doctor,the number of grafts and the price would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

rich, don't take ANYONE's advice. Do your self a favor and read as much as you possibly can on the subject of HT. Then after knowing how it works, read this site and others, take people's personal account of how their experience was w/a grain of salt, but remember who they said was good. Then pay attention to people who talk, and document w/ pictures their experience. The narrow it down and get a consult and try to see patients in person. As far as price, don't skimp and make a big mistake, but after educating yourself, i think you will find the best doc's are also the most reasonable

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  • 2 months later...

the Follicular unit technique is now commonplace, look for someone who has done a lot. the Canadian docs offer good quality at a reasonable price, I went to Gillespie in Calgary and I am very happy.

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  • Senior Member

Noreaster is correct in stating that more often than not, the best HT docs typically are the most reasonbly priced.


They are the most efficient in their craft and can therefore afford to offer more for less.


In my opinion, plan on traveling to get the best and I bet that even with the uncompensated portion of your travel expenses you will pay the same or less with one of the top HT Docs.


I was determined to stay in my home state for my HT, but after reading here for a while and starting "Top Down" researching the BEST HT Docs I just purchased tickets to fly elsewhere for my HT.


Be careful

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Previous posters who say the "best" HT docs are reasonably priced are correct! I live out here in plastic-surgeon "rich" California. We have "tons" of high-priced surgeons charging ridiculous fees for everything from eyelids to butt jobs. However, so far as I can see, few of them do really good HT work.


The reason is that that's not all they do! They're busy making mega $$$ on the other surgeries. But because HT's are relatively "labor intensive" (you need a somewhat large and well-trained staff to do all of the "mechanical" work of dissecting the donor hair and inserting the grafts) the only docs who do it well are ones willing to invest in large direct-labor overhead. And if a doc makes that investment he'd better well utilize it or he'll lose money. So he needs to book a lot of HT surgeries. And the only way he can do that is to compete based on price and quality.


Of course there are myriad subtle aspects of hair placement that can make or break an HT. So you want someone with LOTS of experience, which is to say someone who does ONLY HT's.


So do yourself a favor: don't limit your choice of a physician based on geographical location. Choose the best doc after doing your own research and making up your own mind.

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i'm interested in FUE. Do you happen to have pics of before and after the surgery? any pics would be helpful.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Pick one - any of that specific list notated. All consistently have good reviews and excellent reputations, trying to narrow a list of Docs down to one is no easy task ! I say there are 12 or so I would trust (you have a few of those 12 IMO).

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  • Senior Member

I'm with NW, but would add that you should have consultations on your specific situation with a few of the top doctors and then choose the one that you feel best about.


My HT was scheduled at one clinic, but I didn't feel any connection when I spoke to the doctor, so I changed when I had a consultation where I felt a better connection. It was a good decision as I was nervous/excited enough without having the anxiety over not feeling 100% comfortable with the doctor.


Mr. T

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