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Post Crown HT


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Hi Friends,


I had my HT before 100 days and I like to get some feed back from some of the experienced ppl in this forum. I have few questions to my fellow members. I did only in the crown as I had my hair loss only/ mostly in the crown area. I had 2100 grafts transplanted and I am posting few pics for your views. I could see the hair growth is very less and I am not seeing as much as I expected.


I want all your feedback on is this the maximum I can get ? is there is some more I can see in due course of time. Is theres is anything I need to follow up to see some quick results. I couldnot wait to see what will be my full hair look like after my full expected growth. Sometimes I think is this the maximum I can get and sometimes I feel did I did something wrong by doing a HT? I am seeing my hair in the mirror at least 10 times a day and I am always thinking abt work.


I am away from my country for the past 4 months and I used this oppurtunity to do my HT and now I will be returning to my home country in february and I am curious to know if I can see some improvemnt by this time.


All your feed backs are going to help me a lot. Please do give your feedback.





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  • Regular Member

Hi Friends,


I had my HT before 100 days and I like to get some feed back from some of the experienced ppl in this forum. I have few questions to my fellow members. I did only in the crown as I had my hair loss only/ mostly in the crown area. I had 2100 grafts transplanted and I am posting few pics for your views. I could see the hair growth is very less and I am not seeing as much as I expected.


I want all your feedback on is this the maximum I can get ? is there is some more I can see in due course of time. Is theres is anything I need to follow up to see some quick results. I couldnot wait to see what will be my full hair look like after my full expected growth. Sometimes I think is this the maximum I can get and sometimes I feel did I did something wrong by doing a HT? I am seeing my hair in the mirror at least 10 times a day and I am always thinking abt work.


I am away from my country for the past 4 months and I used this oppurtunity to do my HT and now I will be returning to my home country in february and I am curious to know if I can see some improvemnt by this time.


All your feed backs are going to help me a lot. Please do give your feedback.




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wow it looks like my loss pattern and surgery pic ,in that H pattern with more thinning down one side of your scalp


looks good so far mate ,100 days is only into you 3rd month ,you have alot more growth yet . HTs can still grow out for up to 18 months ,so don't worry yet ,good luck with future growth ,i look forward to more pic as my own HT grows out


good luck


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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You can certainly expect to experience a lot more growth at only 100 days which is only a little after 3 months. Most people don't even start experiencing any new hair growth until 3-5 months.


Regarding how much growth you will experience...I expect that you will have a very nice result however, you might decide that you want to add density in the future. But you can only determine this once your hair transplant fully matures around 12-18 months.


However, due to the unpredictabilty of a progressive condition like hair loss, it is extremely important to keep a good amount of donor hair in reserve. I am sure that your hair restoration physician (I think it was Dr. Feller if my memory serves me correctly?) could have transplanted more hair in those areas went a bit more conservative to account for the future. This is the mark of an ethical surgeon.


I hope this helps.



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thanks Bill for your valuable comments. I am thinking of taking propecia . WOuld you recomend this or shall I wait until my full growth to start with propecia?


Another question is how can I feel there is some hair growth happening. Is there is a way to touch and feel to confirm some new sprouts?


Also whenever I go to some parties or some public place I am using nanogen fibres to cover my bald region. Would this affect in any way to the hair growth in the transplanted area?



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"hi richie, would you mind posting few pics of yours. will help me to compare my position.


regards "


hi navraj ,i've posted three links to threads i have done regaurding my hair surgery with Dr Feller ,all my info is on them and some great pics ,hope they help bud.










2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Thanks Richie, the pics are too good. Also you have the same situation as me and had the HT with Feller as me. So I am very happy that I can always get some feed back from you.


Thanks Bill for your advice.



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Hi navjraj


Yer i reconised the way you were sat with the blue wall behind you as Dr Fellers office ,your pics are so like mine .


I'm 2 months behind you so i'll keep in touch and follow your progress . You will will have some more growth over the next year so don't worry .


I've been on meds since june 2006 ,i take 1.25mgs of proscar per day ,i started on propecia 1 mg per day supplied from the belgravia center in london ,but supplied with a minoxidil topical lotion it was too expensive at ??250 ( $500 )for three months supply and the minoxidil made my hair look greasy which i didn't like .


I now take proscar ,proscar is the same drug as propecia , the drug is actually called finasteride but packaged as propecia in 1mg tablets 1mg to be taken once a day to combat hair loss, proscar is also finasteride but in 5mg tablets which you cut into four using a pill cutter ,available from your chemist for ??2 ($4)and take a quarter ( 1.25mgs ) per day ,some people cut the tablet into five pieces and take 1mg per day ,doing that will make your supply last upto 15 months , i pay ??120 ( $240 )for 12 months supply ( i cut into four )if you PM me i'll pass on the details of my GP who supplies it to me .


Your origional hair follicals on the top of your scalp are affected by the enzime DHT ,finasteride is a DHT blocker so it affectivally stops your origional hair follicals being affected by DHT ,thus stopping male pattern baldness , please note your transplanted hair follicals will not ever be affected by DHT because these follicals were transplanted from the "safe zone" .


That's pretty breif but the facts are all there , i took some photos when i started on propecia in june 2006 , one year later and just before my hair surgery .


June 2006 ,ignore the black and red hair dye hahaha i like to fuck around ,this doesn't cause hair loss ,that ,my friend is a myth



This is in december 2006 ,note how the crowns are closing in.



This is may 2007 ,still closing in and condition of surrounding hair is alot better ,thicker .



This was the morning of my surgery ,november 2nd 2007 ,note how the crown has closed in ,not fully but the condition of my exsisting hair around the crowns is alot thicker than when i started .



The pics arnt great but certainly show an inprovement .


If were you i would start on meds as soon as possible to help keep your exsisting hair around your transplant



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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and condition of surrounding

thanks richie, your information is very helpful and I am going to start proscar . I have a friend who knows the place to get proscar. BTW , I am based in London, Canary wharf . I traveled to NY for my HT.


proscar has shown a good result on you. I shld also try it as I want to maintain this. Now I realise that I need to take care of my hair. I was careless before.


All the best for you too.If I need any info I will contact you.


thanks again for your information. It is greatly helpful and boosts my confidence.



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