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Question regarding scab removal 6 weeks post op... need advice on photos

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I had a hair transplant around 6 weeks ago. As you can see from the photos i still have a few scabs. If you look at the photos when i try to remove the scabs they are very red under, which would suggest to me that they arn't ready to come off. The area that has gone red i could not say for sure if there was any bleeding as i would have been washing it at the time with shampoo but maybe so. At 6 weeks post op would i have lost the graft? I don't know whether to remove the scabs or leave them. I don't want to comprimise the results. Would are your oppinions? Thanks.


Also, you can see that my 'origional hair' is alot thicket behind the transplanted area, do you think that this area will 'thicken up'?

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Welcome to our forum community.


At 6 weeks post-op from a hair transplant, the follicular unit grafts are well set and would have to be surgically removed in order to lose them.


It is difficult to tell from the pictures whether these are scabs or infected skin. To confirm, I'd consult with your hair restoration physician to be sure.


If they are scabs, don't pick at them. Instead, use your finger tips (not the nails) and run them in a circular motion over the scabs in the shower to help losen them. Spend approximately 10-15 minutes doing this task. Don't apply too much pressure, just a gentle circular motion.


Best wishes,



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It's definatley scabs because if i remove one of them the area underneath is red. I have been doing just that when washing but now im scared to continue in doing that in fear of making it worse if they arn't fully healed. Would picking at them make me lose a graft 6 weeks post op? What are the main reasons for not being able to pick at them. Theyre attatched to my head and massging them after shower or bath dosnt soften them enough

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It is not a good idea to pick at the scabs with your nails no matter what. Try massaging them in the shower with your finger tips (not the nails) as I suggested for several days and see if that helps soften them. You may also want to check with your physician if they are not loosening.


Best wishes,



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