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Hey guys, Im only 18 years old and I woke up one day and noticed I had a receding hairline. At first I didnt think it was, but then I went to go get my hair cut and the lady said i def. had one. First of all is it normal for someone so young to have a receding hairline, even if its not that advanced, and 2nd I want to ask everyone what they feel is best for me:

Should I shave my head completely start taking some type of drug or something else? I currently use Vive for men thickening shampoo but it doesnt seem to do shit, any opinions would be greatly appreciated

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  • Senior Member

dre... the only people qualified to make a determination on your condition is a dermatologist. I suggest you find a qualified doctor to make an evaluation and prescribe the best treatment for your situation.


MPB at eighteen is not abnormal. If you have MPB your hair is already pre-determined to fall out. Drugs such as propecia and minoxidil can slow down hairloss and if you're lucky reverse the genetic changes you may be experiencing. However, there are other reasons you could be losing your hair! So, make an appointment and talk to a doc.

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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  • Regular Member

Hey man, I only wish I could shave my head! I'd do it in a heartbeat and forget all about this hair loss problem. I also started noticing my receding hairline around your age. I'd say it's normal for someone who is losing their hair.


Thickening shampoos just don't work. I'd talk to a doc first, but drugs (propecia ,minoxidil) are the only things that consistently help anyone (besides an HT, of course).

Regimen: 1 propecia taken in the morning, 3 shots 5% minoxodil twice a day around the hairline, 1% Nizoral several times a week

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

hey dre, i started losing hair at 19 so I can relate. If you do start taking something, take propecia ONLY. Save rogaine for later if you don't see any affects of taking just propecia. From my experience rogaine is poison and once you start using it, you have to use it forever or else you'll lose the hair that its helped you gained.

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member



Welcome to the forums and to one of the best steps you will make in combatting your hair loss. Other members here have already given you some good advice, but I would like to touch on a couple of points:


1. See a dermatologist. While MPB is not abnormal in an 18 year old (It at that age that I noticed mine), sometimes hair loss is merely a symptom to a more serious underlying problem. You owe it to yourself to be properly diagnosed.


2. If it is, in fact, MPB ask about Propecia, but do your research on the medication first. A good place to start is in this thread.


3. You are not in this alone. There are hundreds of posters here in a very similar situation dealing with the same affliction. Ask questions, get involved with discussions, and keep your head up.


Good luck,





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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