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Here is what I found:

French-made Omnigraft machine can automatically extract follicular units from the scalp in Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE). Individual hair follicles are non-surgically 'harvested' with micro instruments and pushed into the bald sections of the head with the machine. About 500 follicle units can be transferred in three to four hours. But again, the problem with FUE is that it has to be done 'blind', as one just uses the machine to extract follicles and you can't 'see' what's underneath the skin. So the strip method is still the gold standard. The scar produced by FUE seems bigger but not linear and is not attractive to the public eye.


There is a similar machine called Neograft.


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Automation is great when its results can be proven and reproduced on a consistant basis. Unfortunetly, new technology is often used as a marketing tool, and offered to patients before there is evidence of its success. I am not saying that all new medical/surgical devices are a scam. I am only saying be careful and do your research.

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