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High level of Testosterone


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After a blood test a high level of testosterone was found in my body. But, my doctor says that my hair loss is not related with that, becouse hair loss occurs when there is a low level of testosterone in blood. I thing his wrong. Can someone help me?

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Regular Member

I guess it kinda depends on what type of hair loss you feel your experiencing.


If it's MPB and you do a search on the web, you will find sites that list the side-affects of very high testosterone levels (by the way, this isn't nearly as common or concerning to doctors as having too low a level of testosterone). Anyway, hair loss is often listed as a side-affect of high testosterone (the normal range is pretty wide, so I'm guessing this would be above the high-end of normal).


Assuming these sites are correct, then that would mean it may hasten MPB. Who knows. I feel pretty safe in saying that too low a level does not hasten MPB. It's been well documented for hundreds of years that shutting off the production of testosterone prevents the progression of MPB and if it happens early enough (before puberty) MPB never happens, so I feel it's safe to conclude that testosterone causes MPB. As another example, for years some women who suffer from certain types of hair loss/thinning have been given drugs that lower their production of testosterone as a means to slow or stop their hair loss (siterone is one such drug).


Anway, this topic has been debated to death. It's often asked if too much weight lifting hastens MBP, too much sex, etc. (anything that might cause an increase in testosterone production). People feel strongly on both sides. Often people make absurd arguments like if weight lifting caused hair loss then everyone who lifts seriously would have hair loss.


I think we know enough about testosterone's and dht's role in MPB to know that if your follicles are susceptible to dht then having 2x (for example) the average level testosterone or dht for a male can't be a good thing for your hair. Having said that, if your follicles could care less about dht and your one of those guys who will go through life with pretty much all of your hair, then it may not matter at all if you have 2x the normal amount of testosterone.

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  • Regular Member

Hairloser1 thank you very much for your answer. I was desperate to hear something about that because the doctors in my country no nothing about hair loss, and here we don't have a private clinic that treats hair loss. For example our doctors don't know about finasteride and Propecia. They prescribed me Minoxidil 2% and did not tell me that I have to use it all my life. I made a hormonal tests and the doctor told me not to worry

it will stop. icon_smile.gif But it doesn't. No one can tell me if i have MPB, Telogen Effluvium or diffuse thinning. I have a receding hairlines but only 0.5cm. Can someone tell me if receding hairline is MPB symptom, or the reason can be something else?

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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