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Anyone ever visited the trustmichael site? Just wondering if it's bs. He pushes Provillus and states that it worked wonders for him. Searching Google shows that there were other products that he pushed like hairenergizer and nioxin.


Also, assuming the site is legitimate, has anyone else had a positive experience with Provillus?




Here's the address


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Anyone ever visited the trustmichael site? Just wondering if it's bs. He pushes Provillus and states that it worked wonders for him. Searching Google shows that there were other products that he pushed like hairenergizer and nioxin.


Also, assuming the site is legitimate, has anyone else had a positive experience with Provillus?




Here's the address


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  • Senior Member



don't trust micheal.. As we have heard many times, the only items that work are




and maybe Nizoral

( avodart too but it's not approved for hairloss)



anything else is a waste of time and money



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Mrjb is correct.


Quote from Provillus' website:


"The Provillus?® Hair Regrowth Solution contains the only FDA-approved topical ingredient clinically proven to re grow hair. The Provillus hair loss solution contains a combination of a liquid and capsule product, which re grows hair or your money back."


The active ingredient in Provillus is minoxodil, just at a very high price. Save your money and try generic minoxodil which is the ONLY ingredient in Provillus proven to fight hair loss. Also consider finasteride which is a DHT blocker.



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  • 6 months later...

Actually, I went to the provillus website and didn't see anything about minoxidil on there.


The ingredients are all pretty standard herbal supplements that one could find at any health food supplier. Saw Palmetto is an old hair loss "remedy" that seems to work for some folks. B6, Magnesium, and Uva Ursi are all good for your kidneys--the organs that Traditional Chinese Medicine practioners will tell you aid in the health of your hair. Biotin and Zinc are pretty well-known to contribute to the health of one's hair.


So, yeah, no minoxidil whatsoever in their ingredients list:





I don't think this supplement will hurt you in any way, and I guess it's a bit expensive considering you could just buy all the ingredients yourself (nutritional yeast has the B6, zinc, and a little biotin), but you pay for convenience sometimes. I bet this is slow-acting, and you won't see any major results for months. Just make sure your kidneys and liver are in tip-top shape, lay off the excess sugar and caffeine, and get plenty of exercise!

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You posted a link to the oral Provillus treatment.


The topical treatment contains minoxodil and azelaic acid (just like Xandrox).


Provillus recommend use of BOTH treatments for optimal results (no wonder).


Many hair loss sufferers put a lot of blind faith in herbal hair loss treatments. Though I am not opposed to them, I feel it is best to get past the hype and look at hard evidence. The problem is, most herbal supplements have minimal or no evidence based on the lack of clinical studies.


See a detailed article that I've written on Provillus for hair loss.



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Thank goodness you all are here to set people straight about sites like trustmichael.com.


Be wary of any product that has no clinicial evidence to support it and relies on personal "testimonies".


Consider this when looking at the Trust Michael website. The page title says that he is, "Blogging about life and things that influence it." and that he writes satires and stories. Why then is there no other links on the webpage except to the Provillus and Procerin websites?


If the link you used to view the page makes it appear that it is one page of many, go directly to TrustMichael.com. Guess what? Just the same procerin website. I attempted to post a message on the page and it never showed. Big surprise.


The people who sell these products know we are a desperate lot. They will happily take your money whether a product works or not. Save your money for rogaine, propecia or a transplant. These are things that are proven to work. If you see another product out there that looks attractive, look for clinical research that shows how effective that product is.

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I agree with your assessment. Sadly, there are a number of products on the market that attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities of mankind whether it be for hair loss or something else.


The key to anything is research. Never take one person's word for it. Always double check what they are saying with credible resources.


You will never see a site called "trustBill". Though I consider myself trustworthy, I ALWAYS tell people not to simply take my word for it, but to take the time to research and see for themselves.


Please also see your private messages about your alias. Thanks.



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