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Everything posted by Shazam

  1. I know of 2 types of saw palmetto that I can get at the drug store. The liquid (gel?) capsule, and the dry version. Which one is better? Does it matter?
  2. thanks for the responses. i'll take your advice and pass on the Provillus.
  3. Anyone ever visited the trustmichael site? Just wondering if it's bs. He pushes Provillus and states that it worked wonders for him. Searching Google shows that there were other products that he pushed like hairenergizer and nioxin. Also, assuming the site is legitimate, has anyone else had a positive experience with Provillus? Thanks Here's the address http://www.trustmichael.com/
  4. Anyone ever visited the trustmichael site? Just wondering if it's bs. He pushes Provillus and states that it worked wonders for him. Searching Google shows that there were other products that he pushed like hairenergizer and nioxin. Also, assuming the site is legitimate, has anyone else had a positive experience with Provillus? Thanks Here's the address http://www.trustmichael.com/
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