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Hair Mentor program works - are you on board?


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Think back to when you first realized that something had to be done. Not when you first noticed your temples had recessed or when you noticed a few extra hairs in the sink, but think back to that first time that combing your hair this way or that was not working to mask the thinning anymore. You could no longer pretend it was just a bad haircut or blame your shampoo. This is the first time that you knew that something had to be done.


If you were lucky, you had someone reliable to talk to about your affliction. You could go to this person and speak openly without shame or embarrassment. This person knew exactly how you felt because they had been there before and had already gone through the wirlwind of emotions that you were going through: from shock to disbelief to anger to sadness to grief. This person was also knowledgeable about proven treatments like medication, surgery, and concealers. If you had a person like that to go to when you first realized that you were losing your hair, you had a guide, a confidant, and a helping hand. This certainly would have limited the impact that hair loss would have had on your life.


Now, let's be realistic. How many of us out there had a person like this to go to? Hair loss is so stigmatized by society that it is difficult if not impossible to confide in someone in "real life." If someone is lucky enough to have someone they trust enough with their problem, how likely is it that this person would know about viable treatments and how to avoid the pitfalls of an industry full of scams and conmen?


<span class="ev_code_RED">The Hair Mentor Program Works and you need to be on board.</span>


If you have logged into these forums then chances are you have suffered from some type of hair loss and came here to learn and/or share information. Hundreds of new users come to the Hair Transplant Network.com each week looking for a solution to their affliction. Some make it to the forums, some don't. Everyone agrees that "something needs to be done" in controlling the scammers that prey on the uninformed. If there were no uninformed hair loss sufferers to buy the bogus products and frequent the hack physicians, then one of two things would happen:


1) The products manufacturers will have no choice but to make a product that lives up to its claims or move to another industry.


2) The physicians that substandard surgical hair restoration techniques will be forced to update their practices or move on.


Yes, these are lofty goals but its time for us all to reach big and it starts with collaboration and community effort.


We have constructed the means for "hair restoration guru's" to share their priceless information and experience with others looking for answers with the Hair Loss Mentors section of the Hair Transplant Network.


Signing up to be a mentor is easy and confidential:


1. Go to the Hair Loss Mentor login page here.


2. Fill in an active email address (this remains private), your location, a username (this can be your forum username), a password, and press "Next"


3. Tell other hair loss sufferers a little about your experiences with your own hair loss. There is no need to write a book; just give enough information about what you have tried, what procedures you have had, any setbacks you may have encountered, etc. This lets your profile come alive and allows other hair loss sufferers to contact mentors that have been in the most similar situations as themselves.


4. Upload your photos. What better way to show off how far you have come than to post your "before/after" photos here? This is purely optional, of course but it will certainly show that there are "real" people out there behind the photos that hair loss sufferers are constantly bombarded with. You can even put a link on your mentor profile that shows off your forum photo album.


5. Add a link to your mentor profile to your forum posts. In the top left corner, just above your avatar. Show your support for the hair loss community by displaying your mentor profile to all that read your informative posts.


Remember, it is not a requirement that you have reached your own hair restoration goals to become a Hair Loss Mentor. Battling MPB is a journey and your mentor profile is the best way to log your progress and to share your successes with others. Whether you are a "seasoned veteran" or a "newbie" that is just starting out, sign up to be a Hair Loss Mentor today!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Think back to when you first realized that something had to be done. Not when you first noticed your temples had recessed or when you noticed a few extra hairs in the sink, but think back to that first time that combing your hair this way or that was not working to mask the thinning anymore. You could no longer pretend it was just a bad haircut or blame your shampoo. This is the first time that you knew that something had to be done.


If you were lucky, you had someone reliable to talk to about your affliction. You could go to this person and speak openly without shame or embarrassment. This person knew exactly how you felt because they had been there before and had already gone through the wirlwind of emotions that you were going through: from shock to disbelief to anger to sadness to grief. This person was also knowledgeable about proven treatments like medication, surgery, and concealers. If you had a person like that to go to when you first realized that you were losing your hair, you had a guide, a confidant, and a helping hand. This certainly would have limited the impact that hair loss would have had on your life.


Now, let's be realistic. How many of us out there had a person like this to go to? Hair loss is so stigmatized by society that it is difficult if not impossible to confide in someone in "real life." If someone is lucky enough to have someone they trust enough with their problem, how likely is it that this person would know about viable treatments and how to avoid the pitfalls of an industry full of scams and conmen?


<span class="ev_code_RED">The Hair Mentor Program Works and you need to be on board.</span>


If you have logged into these forums then chances are you have suffered from some type of hair loss and came here to learn and/or share information. Hundreds of new users come to the Hair Transplant Network.com each week looking for a solution to their affliction. Some make it to the forums, some don't. Everyone agrees that "something needs to be done" in controlling the scammers that prey on the uninformed. If there were no uninformed hair loss sufferers to buy the bogus products and frequent the hack physicians, then one of two things would happen:


1) The products manufacturers will have no choice but to make a product that lives up to its claims or move to another industry.


2) The physicians that substandard surgical hair restoration techniques will be forced to update their practices or move on.


Yes, these are lofty goals but its time for us all to reach big and it starts with collaboration and community effort.


We have constructed the means for "hair restoration guru's" to share their priceless information and experience with others looking for answers with the Hair Loss Mentors section of the Hair Transplant Network.


Signing up to be a mentor is easy and confidential:


1. Go to the Hair Loss Mentor login page here.


2. Fill in an active email address (this remains private), your location, a username (this can be your forum username), a password, and press "Next"


3. Tell other hair loss sufferers a little about your experiences with your own hair loss. There is no need to write a book; just give enough information about what you have tried, what procedures you have had, any setbacks you may have encountered, etc. This lets your profile come alive and allows other hair loss sufferers to contact mentors that have been in the most similar situations as themselves.


4. Upload your photos. What better way to show off how far you have come than to post your "before/after" photos here? This is purely optional, of course but it will certainly show that there are "real" people out there behind the photos that hair loss sufferers are constantly bombarded with. You can even put a link on your mentor profile that shows off your forum photo album.


5. Add a link to your mentor profile to your forum posts. In the top left corner, just above your avatar. Show your support for the hair loss community by displaying your mentor profile to all that read your informative posts.


Remember, it is not a requirement that you have reached your own hair restoration goals to become a Hair Loss Mentor. Battling MPB is a journey and your mentor profile is the best way to log your progress and to share your successes with others. Whether you are a "seasoned veteran" or a "newbie" that is just starting out, sign up to be a Hair Loss Mentor today!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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We'd appreciate your thoughts about the Hair Mentor program.


Thanks, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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