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A good surgeon in the seattle area. Any advice greatly appreciated. I also have been looking in this website http://www.medicalhairrestoration.com

and his top surgeon known ass Robert P. Niedbalski, D.O..this is pretty close where i live, Any recomendations?



ps. sorry guys but my english level is really low, thats why ill do more reading than talking.

im just a 25 years old male, who is loosing REALLY FAST his hair and is looking for help.

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A good surgeon in the seattle area. Any advice greatly appreciated. I also have been looking in this website http://www.medicalhairrestoration.com

and his top surgeon known ass Robert P. Niedbalski, D.O..this is pretty close where i live, Any recomendations?



ps. sorry guys but my english level is really low, thats why ill do more reading than talking.

im just a 25 years old male, who is loosing REALLY FAST his hair and is looking for help.

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  • Senior Member

Good thing you posted here, stay away from MHR, you are lucky to have Hasson & Wong in your immediate area, I would look no further, they are as close to the best as you'll ever get.

Since you're only 25 the first thing to do is to get on Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) and consult with Dr.'s on hair transplant, it's free anyway. Depending on your hairloss you might be a bit young to have a HT, please post pictures you'll get lots of good advice here.

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tx 4 the info hk500. icon_smile.gif. I dont think i can get any pics cuz i dont have a digital camera. but i tell u: my hair is dying really fast. right now its really thin, and its falling at each side of my head. When i was about 16 some F***tard told me to use VINEGAR to wash my hair, and i tried., until i start to notice that my scalp was falling apart!!!! It was so stupid!!!. Also during the next years and until now, i see a lot of white particules into my hair.(all the time).


hope i made my self clear. lol. tx again.

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  • Senior Member

I am sorry about the bad advice you got in the past but you have found here the very best forum to help you make the best educated decisions for the future.

- You probably have dandruff (the white particles), you can get Nizoral shampoo in the non prescrption (1%) variety, it should work very well.

- Again, get on Finasteride ASAP, either Proscar or Propecia, there is no economic sense getting Propecia anymore, generic Proscar cut in quarters is super economical.

- Set up a free consultation with Hasson & Wong and ask them about your dandruff and getting you a prescription for Finasteride (preferably Proscar)

- Finally and as you said earlier, the more reading you get out this Forum, the better informed you will be, you can already feel good knowing that and that you have avoided MHR.

You could still go to MHR for a free consult to get a sense of their Supermarket approach, then go to Hasson & Wong, you'll be shocked by the differences.

If you could have a friend loan you a camera so you can post pictures that would be great.

Keep us posted of your progress Felipe.

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Guest Cousin_It



You have been given good advice by HK500. Get on the medications as soon as possible to saving your existing hair and possibly regrow some of what you lost.


At some point get a consultation with Hasson & Wong, like HK said they may be the best in the field. Have them check your scalp for miniaturization so you can get a forecast on possilbe hair loss in the future. These doctors will give you good advice so listen to their recommendations.


If you have any additional questions please ask, we are all too willing to help you. Good Luck!

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Hello and welcome to the forums. You have come to the right place for research. You have gotten some great advice so far from HK500 and Cousin_IT.


As Cousin_It pointed out, Hasson and Wong aren't too far from you and their one of the best clinics in the world IMO. You will find them here:




Feel free also to look around to see some of the other coalition doctors who have also proven themselves to be excellent physicians. Link here:




Hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member



I know it sucks to be losing your hair and sucks even more to be trying worthless home remedies that do nothing more than cause more problems than they are supposed to remedy. Two things should work for you, Finasteride first, HT second. Give Mike Ferko in our Seattle office a call and he'll explain and show what a hair transplant is supposed to look like as well as what is going to happen during the procedure and the months afterward. Local to Seattle the # is 206.273.7966. He'll be honest and straightforward with you.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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