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site transplant photos


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What is it with the photos on this site? Some of the people look like they have gotten great heads of hair with only a couple thousand grafts and than theres some that look terrible that have recevied thousands of grafts. Are some of these photos misleading or what? It makes it so hard to compare possible results with alot of these pictures. Its a shame if this site lets doctored up photos on. I thought thats what we are supposed to be fighting to stop.

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What is it with the photos on this site? Some of the people look like they have gotten great heads of hair with only a couple thousand grafts and than theres some that look terrible that have recevied thousands of grafts. Are some of these photos misleading or what? It makes it so hard to compare possible results with alot of these pictures. Its a shame if this site lets doctored up photos on. I thought thats what we are supposed to be fighting to stop.

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Im talking about the photos on the hair transplant network homepage under the heading pictures of amazing hair transplants. Some of the photos show people that have recieved up to six thousand grafts and they look terrible and then theres some of people that have recieved around 2500 or less grafts and it looks like they recieved better coverage and growth.

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Woody, I've noticed the same thing you mention but on many doctors' own websites. Some of the pictures look absolutely horrible and have an effect opposite of what is intended--those pictures drive me away. I've seen pictures of thousands of grafts that are very thin in coverage and make me think that the patient completely wasted their money.


But I've noticed on many, if not most, of the bad pictures I've seen is that the pictures are taken after only 5 months or so. As anyone here who's had an HT can tell you, it takes 10 - 12 months for your grafts to grow in completely. A rule of thumb is that 10% of your grafts will grow each month (or so I've gathered). So, at 5 months 50% have grown in, etc.


I think it is a huge mistake for any doctor to feature an after patient at only 5 months. The pictures look horrible--and I've seen many of them on doctors' websites. At only 5 months, the patient isn't going to represent what a prospective patient can expect to achieve after a longer period of growth.


Next time you see a bad picture of someone who has had thousands of grafts, see if there is a caption that mentions how many months after the procedure the picture has been taken. Also, pay attention to the number of sessions the patient has had. A NW6 or NW7 with only one session isn't going to look as good as one who's had 2 sessions done.

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I know with my own hair, in different lighting and angles. I can go from looking pretty damn thin, to almost a full head of hair. Multiple shots under multiple lighting conditions may be best. But in general flash shouldn't be used and strong over head ligthing is needed for an accurate assessment.

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