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HT@2nd Feb. Quick Suggestions needed.

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Hi everyone,

This is my first post @ the forum although i've been following this forum for about past one month. I m 28, After a bit of research, I've decided to undergo an HT at Dr Madhu (Hyderabad, India) on 2nd Feb. He concluded that I need 5500 grafts but told me that in first session i shud have 2500 FUT since my donor area isnt too dense. He suggested me to have HT done only in the frontal portion ( upto half way from front hairline going backwards) . I asked him can't we cover the entire scalp in those many numbers, he said then the results wont be satisfying and that the transplanted hair would also look too sparse everywhere. Forum members, please reply to this with ur suggestions. Wouldnt it be advisable to put in at least 500 grafts in the back instead of completely leaving it as it is ? In next sessions we can always work on bringing down the front hairline. Am I right ??

My another worry is my hair at the sides are also very sparse. I asked the doctor about it although I wasnt too satisfied with his answers. Can the members please suggest whether wouldn't it be a risk to undergo an HT considering that i might lose my hair at the sides in a few years ?? I am not sure how much r the medicines going to be effective in terms of regrowing hair at the sides ?? Please to suggest. Members can refer to my pics at the website.


Anymore suggestions from the members are welcome.

Thank you.

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The doctor performing your surgery should take into account that you may have further hair loss in the side/temporal area and plan the procedure accordingly. I do agree that it is probably wise to have the first procedure concentrate on the front 1/2 of the thinning/balding area. It will have a greater impact on your appearence and the back 1/2 can be done at a later time. Throwing 500 grafts in a large empty crown area is often like throwing a bunch of rocks in the ocean. They get lost and do not make much of a difference.

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