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Tea against DHT


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I want to share something, and I want your opinion about this.

Few days ago I received my natural tea ordered from a small private company. I chose the ingredients in this tea, after huge internet research and consultation with 2 doctors.The doctors told me that this might help with hair loss, and that is at least safe to use and it's good for health.


The tea contains:


- Saw Palmetto - natural DHT bloker,

- Nettle roots - natural DHT bloker,

- Nettles - natural DHT bloker,

- Green Tea - natural DHT bloker,

- Pygeum - natural DHT bloker,

- Soy Isoflavones - natural DHT bloker,

- Pumpkin seed - natural DHT bloker.


(Do some research and you will find about all this herbs and their DHT blocking abilities). They are also used to treat BH of prostate, just like Finasteride(Propecia) and Dutasteride(Avodart).


My doctor sad that i should use it once or twice per day. It is quite expensive for tea (10 $ for 1 month supply) because it's made for me only and it's unique. But it has very good taste.


You can make this tea by your own, or you can ask some company to make this tea for you.


As i have learned , there are many natural DHT blockers,not just Propecia,Avodart etc...

I'm scared of possible side effects of these drugs because I'm very young(23), so I'm planning to try with this tea. The doctors says that I will not have side effects because of the little percentage of any of this herbs, and that it's excellent to combine all this herbs in one cup of tea. They think that it can help blocking DHT creation in my body. And if it's effective I will know, because I do not use any DHT bloking drug like Propecia, Avodart...

I will post for any results to help others if it works for me.


I want to know what do you think about this?

Sorry about my bad English again icon_biggrin.gif

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Regular Member

When you say safe to use...


I think Pygeum has been banned in the UK as it can cause several side effects, you might want to remove this one from your next order?


$10 doesn't seem much for a month's supply of tea (I spend nearly that much on normal black tea!)


However as with any natural medication, I would treat it as a supplement to prescription drugs, I see you're already using Minoxidil so I guess you already know that.


Your English is fine, I didn't realise it wasn't your first language!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for your reply, LessHair. I would definitely remove Pygeum in my next order, and I will try to add some other natural ingredient. The doctors told me that Pygeum is safe because of it's minimal percentage in the tea, but however I will remove it.

I'm using this tea for one week and it's probably to early for me to say weather or not this tea is working. I will reply soon.


Best wishes to all of you.

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Regular Member

Maxxy, I know that it sounds a little bit funny icon_smile.gif but it may be helpful. I don't expect result better than Propecia icon_smile.gif but the doctors sad that it might help naturally.

Best wishes

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Regular Member

Maxxy,you can order the ingredients over internet and you can prepare this tea at home. If you are realy interested and the preparation time is not a problem for you, you can order online all of these teas and combine them.I think that the money won't be a problem for you (citizen of UK). Sorry if I'm wrong.

I do not want to advertise for any web site, but you can find all of this ingredients or teas at many web sites.

I hope this helps. Greetings

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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Lol VeniVidiVici, The pay may be more in the UK than in Macedonia but I'm assuming everything else is aswell - living costs, food etc ;-)


I will look in to the teas. I buy green tea from the supermarket and I've seen nettle tea there, the rest I will have to try and find.


Thanks for the list.

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