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The only FUE in Costa Rica, advice wanted

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Hey guys. Good to see a thriving community here dealing with hair loss. I'm an American living in Costa Rica. The middle of my forehead has been holding on but my sides have crept back. I also have a long scar near my hairline.


I decided to check out some doctors here about filling in my sides. They are still using micrografts. After extensive searching online I came across a doctor here doing FUE, his website says he is the only one doing it in the country. I had a consultation with him today. He is relatively young, under 40, and has been doing FUE for 3 years. He charges $2.50 per FUE or $1.75 per micrograft. He said the maximum FUE he will do per session is 750. Does 750 seem too aggressive or too much for a person of his experience? I see all kinds of conflicting opinions online on what the max FUEs should be per session. He drew a line on my forehead to show my hairline after 750 FUEs. I was satisfied with the line. As far as density he says he has a guarantee if you done feel it is sufficently dense a year after the session he will add more FUEs for free.


He is located in what is considered the best hospital in the country. I know that doesn't mean much but it's better than being located in the worst. His website says he uses a .75mm punch.


I have not come across anyone in Costa Rica that specializes in only hair tranplants, all the others I've come across do plastic/cosmetic surgery and do hair transplants on the side. This doctor is a dermatologist and seems his practice is more focused on hair transplants than the others. I was going to post a link to his site but forum rules said no links.


I would appreciate any and all advice except just telling me to get it done in the US.


Thanks in advance.

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  • Senior Member

If the guy still does micro grafts then I would avoid, obviously not on the cutting edge. Looks like travelling will be your best bet if you want to find a quality Dr.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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A micrograft is one or two hairs per graft. These are used in the combined follicular unit grafting surgical technique to define a subtle, "feathered" appearance to the scalpline and to any border of transplant with skin or in any low hair density situation. The one and two hair follicular unit grafts (i.e. the large percentage of them) are therefore micrografts. Micrografts that have been harvested from the donor from a cluster rather than from splitting a cluster apart are also follicular unit grafts. However, for example, if we split apart a three hair follicular unit to get a one or two hair micrograft, that micrograft would not be a follicular graft. The rare situation where one can intentionally make micrografts from splitting apart follicular units is the person with very strong, thick diameter hair whose thick diameter will not look as natural as quickly as when the diameter is compromised by cutting the follicle away from a tight cluster. Survival is compromised in this situation as well, however.


Courtesy: La Jolla Hair Restoration


A follicular unit micrograft is a follicular unit graft cut under a microscope which is state of the art. Mini/micrograft would simply be a minigraft being created under a microscope. Though use of the microscope here is appropriate, minigrafting is outdated.


Courtesy: Bill.

take care...



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