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Progress Update-Hairline FUE w/Dr. Paul Shapiro

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Three and half months ago, this patient had an FUE procedure with Dr. Paul Shapiro - 1397 Grafts - 2148 Hairs.


Here is the link to our original post:






He was in last week for more photos - The hairs are just starting to sprout and he's very please so far.

















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Janna- Thanks for keeping us updated; I was waiting to see his result. The results so far look great for only 3 1/2 months out.


I just have a quick question; I noticed that there is minimal redness that occured with your FUE patients at the 1 week mark. Have your patients seen continued minimal redness even after week 1; say until regrowth? Thanks

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The redness is at it's worst the day of surgery and gets less each passing day. I posted another patient of our who had fue with Dr. Ron Shapiro and I believe he posted his pics at 1 week post op. He had no signs of surgery at that point either.


Here's a link to his post: http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/789104703




The main reason for minimal redness and scabbing is because our incisions are as small as they can possibly be. The custom cut blades are tested to make sure they are the perfect fit for each size grafts. Our grafts are also trimmed so there are no tissue left at the top of the graft where it would normally be sticking out of the surface of the incision so all you see are hair/s out of each incision. Our fue and strip patients both follow the same post op care instructions. The redness from our strip procedures probably look a bit more pronounced due to the size of the sessions generally being much bigger but those patients are surprised at how fast they heal too.

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Thanks for sharing. I've been anxious to see some of SMG's FUE work and this truly looks remarkable. I'm still in some 'shock' at just how much better it looks at 3.5 months, which is typically where hair only starts to grow. This will look tremendous in the months to come!




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Hey Janna,

Since Dr. Shapiros office took 2 days to do this amount of FUE do you think 2 days straight of numbing meds will affect the graft survival? Also if this patient only does FUE i wonder what is the max amount of donor grafts available?



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Hi aWidowsPeek,


I've asked Dr. Paul to answer both your questions. He'll be replying soon.

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Many FUE procedures take more then one day because we can not get the number of grafts to complete the procedure in one day. The numbing medications we use are Lidocaine and Marcaine and should have no effect on the graft survival. These medications affect the way sodium is transported in the nerve fibers which stops the transmission of the pain nerve conduction. They do not affect the blood vessels which supply oxygen to the new grafts. There is a small amount of epinephrine in these numbing medications and epinephrine does cause the blood vessels to constrict. But we inject one half centimeter in front of the area that we are transplanting into, This small amount of epinephrine should not effect graft survival or the blood flow to the new grafts.

At present we think we can harvest more donor using the strip method then using only FUE. But exactly how much that translates into number of grafts we have yet to determine. Dr. Ron wrote a good article on the advantages and disadvantages of FUE: http://www.regrowhair.com/hair...transplant-surgery/, which might be helpful to read.

The donor area that has the permanent hair and thus is safe to harvest is the same regardless of which procedure we use. And both procedures leave a scar and we still have to leave enough hair in the donor area to cover the scar of the FUE or Strip procedure. In most patients the center of the donor has the best density. Using the strip method we believe we can harvest more of that area and still leave enough permanent hair to completely hide the scar.

I hope this answers your question,

Dr. Paul shapiro

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Hey Dr. Paul,

thanks for taking the time to get on here and answer my questions i'm sure lots of other members and lurkers were wondering about that info as well. The Shapiro FUE work looks great so far. I'm very interested in seeing how they all come along. Have a great 4th of July weekend.

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