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Grafts taken more on one side

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Has anyone had more extractions on one side of their head than the other? The left side of my head FUE wasn't needed as much as graft numbers were almost met. Extractions and overall transplant done beautifully, just worried about symmetry on both sides of the donor area when it grows in

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  • Regular Member

Perfectly normal as long as there is a good extraction pattern and they work round. You will not notice the difference once healed and grown and also it means far less injections to the donor over a larger area. Many clinics only take from the occipital so the fact they even took from a side is a plus and probably have longer term loss in mind and also got the finer hairs needed for hairline etc. Usually you will not need to harvest both sides to get the hairs needed for a hair line etc and more so on a virgin case. All the best but sounds you have gone to a good place. 

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Thank you for this! I think the donor area is extremely clean so really happy with it, just needed the reassurance of it growing back evenly haha. Surgeon said it was to ensure graft numbers so that you didn't have to go back into disturbed areas to harvest again which I understand. My only concern was that I couldn't find any examples of it




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  • Regular Member

With good harvesting you can also go back to non-virgin areas. All the best for your healing and growth. IF you want to speed up hair growth get on FAST shampoo and MSM tablets.. 

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