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Dr.Madhu HT Fees


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If you want to know Dr. Madhu's fees specifically, you should send an email to the clinic directly.


Though I've seen a number of his patients post here recently, Dr. Madhu didn't reply to any of my emails when I invited him to present examples of his work on this forum to be considered for recommendation.


Best wishes,



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Hi Bill,


Dr.Madhu is a great doctor who is doing HT with excellent results.

I asked him about this forum and he said that he had not recieved emails from this forum. I think there is a communication gap. Here Iam giving the Email Id of Dr.Madhu: pathuri_madhu@yahoo.co.in


You can email him any queries regarding his work on HT, and he said that he welcomes any quries regarding HT.


Thanks & Regards


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Thanks for your response. That's the email address I have for him. I started sending him emails to learn more about his clinic back in October 2008. I've sent him several emails with no response. But since you're telling me you spoke with him and he hasn't received anything, I could try again.


Best wishes,



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He increased the price from 25 to 30 Rs./ graft.

I had ht on sep 19. He says he is going to further increase it.


The thing that i didnt like was:

I was never told that he takes all the hair from a single region in the back area and then stitches the parts above and below it.


I think he intentionally doesn't mention that before. If he does, the patients might get scared or do not agree for the surgery.


Can the forum admin let me know if it is the same way everywhere ?




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  • Senior Member
The thing that i didnt like was:

I was never told that he takes all the hair from a single region in the back area and then stitches the parts above and below it.


I think he intentionally doesn't mention that before. If he does, the patients might get scared or do not agree for the surgery.




That's the way strip HT surgery is done everywhere. They take a strip from the back (can extend to the sides) of your head, and then they suture the area. Sounds like you had a similar procedure.

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