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4 days post op 2600 grafts. How does it look?

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Hi, I'm 25. Had hair transplant last week. The doctor said he'll extract 2500 grafts because he don't want to damage the donor area by over extracting.. and advised to do a HT for the crown area latter, maybe in my 30s. It made sense and I OKed 2.5k grafts, and 2.6k grafts were implanted finally. But seeing the output I think it would have been great if a little more area was covered.

And Iam prescribed whith oral finastride 1mg and topical minoxidil 5%.

What do you think? Does it look too bad and should I went for more grafts?? Any opinion/advice is appreciated thanks!


4 days after HT20240522_160038.thumb.jpg.8c7af3a517ff3f567afc5f4098e5ee05.jpg20240415_140604.thumb.jpg.e17a5a361f699d3ca17afb33c9460c2a.jpg20240522_155946.thumb.jpg.ba5eed46564d7402dabb4fad8b882e33.jpg

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Hi. Welcome to the forums. Thanks for posting. What Dr did you go to? It does look like you are going to need a lot more grafts behind the work that was already done, but without knowing where you went, it could be a good thing that you didn't get more grafts if it turns out bad. Hopefully everything will grow in fine and then you can start thinking about what to do after that. Please keep us updated over the next year about how it's turning out.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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