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Review my plan ahead of first HT

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Hey folks, I have a scheduled hair transplant which is coming up soon and I'd love to get some input as to whether my plan and rationale makes sense, whether there's anything else I should be considering, etc

For some background:

  • I'm 38 with a family history that suggests destined for NW6 w/o intervention 
  • Been on fin 0.5mg for almost 10 years now; hair loss has mostly stabilized although with a bit of continuing progression
  • Started on 2.5mg oral minoxidil about 5 months ago with some modest results (more recently than the following pics which are from around the time I started)
  • Did a few HT consults around 5 years ago but didn't pull the trigger; did a few more last fall and booked one for this summer
  • I would characterize my hair as medium/fine. Donor density and scalp laxity are reported as average 

3 of 4 doctors I consulted with this time suggested approximately the same approach which is an FUT session of 2000-3000 grafts. The fourth said I could go either way with FUE or FUT with a similar number of grafts. The doctor I booked with (one in the former group) is equally capable with FUT or FUE, but nonetheless my current plan is to move forward with FUT for the following reasons:

  • Best quality grafts from safe donor zone
  • More discrete. My hope is that I can survive the first 3-5 months after the procedure by keeping my hair long and mostly wearing hats (which I already wear a lot of), and by then have enough recipient growth that I can cut everything short and have it look decent
  • Concern about patchy-ness after FUE. I also expect to need another HT down the line at some point, if not soon, and while I'd love to avoid the linear scar and retain the option to cut the back and sides very short, I'm doubtful I'd even be able to cut it much shorter if at all after 4-5k+ FUE grafts compared to a similar number of FUT grafts with a good scar

So - is this making sense? Am I not a good candidate for HT, despite what the docs have told me? I'm not excited about some of the downsides of FUT and transplants in general, especially the first few weeks of discomfort and need to limit activities like weight lifting and yoga for a while. But I'm trying to be realistic and choose the best path given the options available.

Note on the attached pics: the ones with long hair are most recent, from one of the consults. The other 2 are from a few years ago and before I started growing my hair out to give a better idea of my donor area.

Appreciate any inputs - thank you!







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A few more specifics on the plan for this procedure:

  • 2200-2700 grafts FUT
  • Build a new hair line similar to the one marked in the photos, though I'd like it to be slightly more conservative
  • Place grafts in weak areas throughout the frontal half, working around the existing frontal tuft
  • Whether or not to place any grafts in the temple points areas is still unclear - doc says we can especially if the strip yields towards the higher end of the range. He also says we can do just my right side given it's a lot weaker than my left, although I am concerned about it looking unnatural compared to the other in that case
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  • Valued Contributor

I think your strategy is very sound and the rationale for opting for FUT first is wise. If I could go back three years, I’d do FUT first myself. 

Your temple points are pretty decent as they are. You could leave them and be fine, or you could opt for a very subtle enhancement (but certainly not need to alter them further). The hairline design in blue pen looks very appropriate, irregular and will stand you in good stead later in life. 

Curious to know which clinic you’re going with. Sounds & sort of looks like Hattingen if you’re in Europe. 

  • Thanks 1
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