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Aek hair clinic Istanbul any information

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It is a hair mill, which like many in Türkiye, also produces good results. I personally know a guy who had his hair transplant there, the thing that surprised me a little was when he told me that he found himself talking to a person inside the lift of the clinic and that person told him said he was there, not for a hair transplant, but for a rhinoplasty.

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:55 PM, ITA said:

It is a hair mill, which like many in Türkiye, also produces good results. I personally know a guy who had his hair transplant there, the thing that surprised me a little was when he told me that he found himself talking to a person inside the lift of the clinic and that person told him said he was there, not for a hair transplant, but for a rhinoplasty.

Are you sure you are talking about the same AEK? Although Dr K is a fully qualified plastic surgeon, AEK does not advertise any other services other than for Hair Transplants. Additionally, when I was recently there, I did not see any signs of them being equipped to provide Rhinoplasty services (although I was not in every room). Regarding your assertion that they are a hairmill they are no more a hairmill than Eugenix or Dr Yaman.  Perhaps you could get your friend to post his experience here as I would be most interested to hear of his experiences, I am only four months in, and I am quite happy with the progress so far, but will hold off recommending them until the 12 months is up and I see the final result.

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41 minutes ago, Fred2023 said:

Sei sicuro che stai parlando della stessa AEK? Sebbene il dottor K sia un chirurgo plastico pienamente qualificato, AEK non pubblicizza altri servizi oltre ai trapianti di capelli. Inoltre, quando sono stato lì di recente, non ho visto alcun segno che fossero attrezzati per fornire servizi di rinoplastica (anche se non ero in ogni stanza). Per quanto riguarda la tua affermazione che sono un mulino a pelo, non lo sono più di Eugenix o del dottor Yaman. Forse potresti chiedere al tuo amico di pubblicare qui la sua esperienza perché sarei molto interessato a conoscere le sue esperienze, sono passati solo quattro mesi e sono abbastanza soddisfatto dei progressi finora, ma tratterrò di raccomandarli fino al 12 i mesi sono trascorsi e vedo il risultato finale.

They didn’t stop on the same floor of the building that my acquaintance ( I didn’t write "friend" in my post , so I don’t think I can ask him to publish here his path) and that other person who said he was there for a rhinoplasty , therefore it is very likely that in that place in addition to performing hair transplants, they also do plastic surgeries, then, so he told me , I don’t think he invented it , why , then , he should have done it? I’m glad you’re happy so far.

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Haven’t seen Dr. Kardeniz work in quite some time. Im surprised people are saying he’s a hair mill, he used to be very anti-technician based hair mills. 

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