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Feeling overwhelmed with surgeon choices

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Apologies if this topic has been brought up a lot. I've reached out to several of the top rated surgeons recommended on here (Dr. Gabel, Dr. Rahal and Dr. Konior specifically), and most of their feedback has been relatively consistent. I'm currently at the intermediate phase of what will most likely transition into an advanced hair loss pattern (my dad is completely bald on the scalp, I'd estimate he's a Norwood 6 or even 7) and my mom's father was completely bald on the scalp as well (I never met him, just saw pictures). I've been told my donor availability is limited and that I may not be able to have a second surgery, so I should focus on the frontal and midscalp regions and be prepared to possibly never target the crown.

Dr. Konior recommended strip harvesting which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with - I generally wear my hair short, so I don't want a scar in the back of my head. 

Dr. Rahal actually recommended that I wait 6-12 months while using Minoxidil and topical Finasteride. His idea was that he would like to see stabilization before I make a final decision. But I don't love waiting because I want to get into the dating world and don't love the idea of going through this transition for another 2 years (waiting a year for surgery and then another year to see results).

Dr. Gabel indicated that I will have a lot more hair than I have now, but that I'll still be able to see my scalp through my hair.

I'm feeling overwhelmed with which surgeon to go with, and whether there are additional surgeons I should be reaching out to or considering for my hair loss.








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  • Senior Member

Sometimes it’s very helpful to take a break from all of the information and take a good couple months away from it all…then start looking at guys who have the same loss pattern as yourself and which surgeons you feel would give you a similar outstanding result.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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