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Help to Choose Eugenix Package

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  • Regular Member

I am 40 YO and based on my online consultation with Eugenix , I am identified as NW Grade 2. A total of 2,200-2,500 grafts are required for frontal and mid scalp and medication for crown.

I am confused about which package to choose from:

Comprehensive with Dr. Vinita


Exclusive with Dr Somesh or Dr. Priyadarshini 

Any personal reviews about Dr. Vinita's work (seen just a few in the forum)

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  • Regular Member

All eugenix packages are good and their doctors get the same training...So Both packages would be fine. Dr Vinita is a good doc too, so you could select her without doubt.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, did you go ahead with the procedure? 
Which package did you choose and which doctor did the procedure.

I also wanted to ask about the Exclusive package which is the lowest package, is the technical staff experienced or was it juniors mostly.

I'm also planning but have some doubts related to packages, base package has junior doctor and premium package cost a lot.

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  • Regular Member

I have booked the procedure with Dr. Vinita. The procedure will be in the coming months.

The lowest package is comprehensive and based on research Eugenix strives to deliver best quality irrespective of the package.

The only difference in the packages is the the planning, designing, slit making is done by experienced doctors while the extraction and implantation is done by technical staff who are same across packages.

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