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Please help me Rogaine and shedding


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  • Regular Member

I am using Rogaine from 2 weeks. It seems working I don't see any hair on the pillow or at my desk even when I run my fingers through the hair I don't see any hair coming out. But the problem is when ever I apply Rogaine all over my head and comb after 1/2 hr I see so much hair coming out( around 30-40) and that is 2 times a day which makes nearly 80. I don't know if this is normal. If so how many days it will further take to stop this.



I am thinking of shaving head for a while and continue on Rogaine, but again I couldn't keep track of how much hair I am losing. This is quite confusing. Shall I shave my head and then continue on Rogaine or just use it with out shaving this way I can keep track of how much hair is falling.



Please any suggestions are greatly appreciated



Thanks in advance

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I actually just answered a question very similar to this earlier tonight - perhaps it was yours?


Below was my reply which I think is fitting to your questions.


Shaving your head will have no bearing on the effect or hair shedding phase of Rogaine (minoxidil). What happens during the shedding phase is that the hair detaches from the follicle underneath the scalp. If the hair loss medication is working, the follicle will grow a stronger and healthier hair to replace it. Therefore, if you want to shave your head to lose track of the shedding for the ease of hair loss treatment application, go for it.


In my opinion, give Rogaine a full 4 to 6 months before determining whether or not its effective. Quitting Rogaine prematurely may result in accelerated hair loss, especially since miniaturized hairs that have shed may grow back thinner or not at all without the medication.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hey Bill,


I read this in one of the other forum sites that Rogaine doesn't stop shedding instead it grows hair with continued shedding. Is this true? Does it really stop shedding?



Thanks in advance and Happy New year to all

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