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Shedding hairs with black bulbs 3 weeks post HT operation

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys, 

After sleeping my pillow is covered with transplanted and my own hairs. They all have a black bulb on it. Sometimes a hook. Sometimes i sleep restless. It means a lot of turning and then my transplanted area rubs against the pillow... i am 3 weeks post operation. What does the black bulb mean... am i losing grafts or it is just the hair shaft?Screenshot_20240222_141253_Gallery.thumb.jpg.fa1b35b06de962b90f9516a642c4e827.jpg

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  • Senior Member

You're fine. Transplanted grafts are typically 100% secure after about 10 days.

You won't lose grafts 3 weeks after your procedure, but you will begin the shedding phase, which is completely normal.


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  • Senior Member

Nope. You're just shedding. It's going to happen for several more weeks until nearly all of the transplanted hairs are gone, then they will slowly begin to reappear in the months that follow.

Be gentle with your scalp, but don't lose any sleep over it. They grafts are nice and secure by now.

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  • Regular Member

Don't worry, the black bulb means nothing (it is not the root of the hair); you are just having normal shedding. The grafts are fully secure between 10 to 14 days. Like you I am a restless sleeper, and I invested in a silk pillow case to reduce friction - just something to consider if you ever have another HT.

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