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hair length to cover donor scar?

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  • Regular Member

How long does the hair on the back of the head need to be to conceal a donor scar immediately post op? I had the sides and back of my head trimmed with a #6 guard a week and a half ago and will have my procedure in just under three weeks.

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  • Regular Member

How long does the hair on the back of the head need to be to conceal a donor scar immediately post op? I had the sides and back of my head trimmed with a #6 guard a week and a half ago and will have my procedure in just under three weeks.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Fusion,


With the details you've given you should have no problem at all concealing the donar scar. The denser and thicker and darker your hair is the harder it will be to see the scar or stitches. Most of the great dr's here shave the donor area perfectly so that once closed there's just a thin line where the stitches are and with trico closure the hairs eventually fill that in as well. Good luck!

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  • Senior Member

#6 guard is plenty good to conceal the scar,depending on surgeon of course...Should be good..


I had a 3 or 4 guard and mine was concealed..

My doc was real good at closing the scar though.


Again, #6 guard should be plenty good to conceal the scar.

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Cooley! You're set. No problems. From what I've seen his closure are some of the best I've seen. I think it's Latinlotus who just recently had an HT with him and his donor and recipient were impecible post op. Best of luck to you but you won't need it. Take care.

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  • Regular Member



Good luck! Dr. Cooley is awesome and great attention to detail. I had my HT procedure with him on Nov.14 for 4516 grafts and you can not even tell where the grafts he placed if you are not in the business. If you do have your hair cut short on the sides you will be able to see the sutures and the scar until the hair grows more. Good luck and tell Brandi, Amy, Ailene and Dr. Cooley that Tony said HI.

I was just there yesterday to have my sutures removed by one of the assistant and that took maybe 20 minutes and no pain again. This group at Dr. Cooley's office are best in class.

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